The One ✔

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Me: Hey! Meet me at the café close to the park in an hour. I have something important to tell you.

Jungkook: I'll be there

I quickly showered, dressed and put some makeup on before I walked towards the café. I repeated what I wanted to say the whole way. 

When I entered, Junkook sat at a table with two cups. "Hey! Did you wait for long?" I asked as I sat down on the chair opposite him. He shook his head. "Good" I mumbled. 

It was quiet for a few minutes but it felt like forever. "So..." I said trying to start a conversation. The butterflies in my stomach and my racing heart was making it hard to talk. "Y/N" Jungkook said. I hummed and looked up at him. His eyes pierced right through me. "I know you've made a decision. And I want you to know that it's okay. I already knew that it was him. I never had a chance against him." He said. "Jungkook-" I started but he cut me. His smile grew bigger as he started talking. "I mean, he hit you with his car! and you fell for him." He said and chuckled. I didn't know what to say. I looked down. "I'm sorry Jungkook." I whispered. "No, no, no." He stood up and squat down in front of me. "Don't be sorry Y/N. You promised Jimin that you wouldn't be sad. Rember? And it makes me feel bad if you're sad." He said and put his hands on my knees. I nodded. He stood up and reached out his hand for me. When I took it he pulled me up on my feet and into his embrace. When he gently broke the hug he said "Jimin is at home. Do you want me to drive you there?" He asked. "What? Now?" I asked shocked. He nodded. "Come on. Let's go!" He said and pulled me by my hand to his car. 

We stopped in front of a big house. "He lives here!?" I asked shocked pointing at the house. Jungkook laughed and nodded. "For real?" I asked and looked at Jungkook. He nodded again. "He lives alone? In there? Alone?" I said and looked at the big house.

 "He lives alone? In there? Alone?" I said and looked at the big house

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"Yup." Jungkook said. "Is he rich or something?" I asked. "Y/N! Just go in there!" He said loudly. "But-" He cut me. "I just texted him that you're here." He said and put down his phone. "NO! Why would y-" I said as the door to the house opened and showed Jimin. The butterflies came back as soon as I saw him. Jungkook unbuckled my seatbelt and pushed me out of the car. "Heyyy!!" Jimin said and walked towards me. "Good luck!" Jungkook said and drove off. I wanted to stop him but it was too late. Jimin hugged me. I carefully hugged him back. Everything felt a little weird. My heart started racing again. Jimin slightly pushed me away and grabbed my face in his hands. "Are you okay?" He asked and searched in my eyes. "Yeah." I breathed out. He released my face and smiled. "Come in." He said and pulled me inside with him. 

He sat me down on the couch beside him. He pulled up his feet and leaned back. "Why have I never been here before?" I asked and looked around me. "I like your apartment better." He simply said. "But this is so big and modern and clean and cool!" I said still amazed by the house. "Yeah." Jimin said and grabbed my hand making me turn my attention to him. "Your apartment is small which means that I'll be close to you all the time. It's more personal." He chuckled. "And it smells like you." He said and looked deep into my eyes. I breathed in deeply and said it:

"Jimin, I like you. You are the one."

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