Us ✔

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"Jimin, I like you. You are the one." I hid my blushing face in my hands. Jimin hugged me tightly. I felt his heart. It was racing as fast as mine. "Ah, I'm so happy." He breathed out and pulled me closer to him. I slowly put my arms around his waist and hugged him back. He started laughing. "What?" I asked and looked at him. "It's just... I hit you with my car. You had a coma... for 3 months because of me... and you chose me. You must really like me." He said. "Yeah. I do." I said and blushed even more. I hid my face in his shirt. He squeezed me in his embrace. My phone started vibrating. It was my alarm telling me that my shift starts in half an hour. "I can drive you there." Jimin said and looked at my phone. "Thank you." I said and smiled brightly at him. I stood up to leave but got pulled down immediately. "I'll drive you in a few minutes." Jimin said and pushed me back on the couch and laying on my lap hugging my waist.

" Jimin said and pushed me back on the couch and laying on my lap hugging my waist

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After about 15 minutes I gently stroke Jimin's hair. "Wake up. Jimin. I need to go to work." I kissed his hair and heat directly strike my face as I understood what I had done. Jimin mumbled something and squeezed me for a second before he slowly sat up.


"I'll come and pick you up when your shift is over and we'll go to your apartment. You have to let me sleep with you to make it up for my sleepless night. Okay?" Jimin said and looked at me when he stopped the car outside the café. "Okay." I said, nodded at him and smiled. "Oh, and Y/N!" Jimin said and grabbed my arm and held me back as he quickly kissed my cheek. "Bye." He said and I answered the same before I stepped out of the car. I was so surprised by what he did. I just felt all numb and dizzy.

Accident || Jimin ff ✔Where stories live. Discover now