The Date pt.2 ✔

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Guardian Angel: Y/NNN

Me: What?

Guardian Angel: How is your date going?

Me: Good

Me: Why do you wanna know?

Guardian Angel: Can I come over later?

Me: Is everything okay?

Guardian Angel: No

Chills went down my spine. 

Me: What has happened?

Guardian Angel: I'll tell you later. Just call me when you're home.

Me: Okay

Me: See you later then

Guardian Angel: See you later

I put down my phone and looked up at Jungkook. "Who was that?" He asked and smiled at me. "My guardian." I said. "Your parents?" He said unsure of what I meant. "No my guardian. I don't have parents." I said. "Oh? I'm sorry." He said and looked down a little ashamed. "No, no. It's fine, Really. Don't worry about it." I said and started eating. "What about you? ... What do you do for work?" I asked him when it got quiet. "I work at a music company." He said. "Cool! What do you do there?" I continued to ask him. "Sing, dance, produce." He answered simply. It sounded like he didn't want to talk about it and I didn't want to bother him so I stopped asking about it.

We talked for the rest of the dinner. This guy was better than I had thought. He was a real gentleman, he was kind, funny and as a bonus, handsome. He was actually listening when I talked and he seemed interested. He even knew exactly when and how to flirt with me.

(Editing and seeing that I kinda described Jungkook like a real flirt haha it wasn't my meaning but I like it 😂😂 "international playboy")

When we were done eating Jungkook took me to a park. It had gotten darker and the lights in the park had started to brighten up. For the third time, Jungkook held my hand. That was totally a feeling I could get used to. His hand was much warmer than mine and when it almost completely covered it the warm feeling spread from his hand through mine and out in my body. My phone started vibrating. I let go of Jungkooks hand and pulled up my phone. 

Guardian Angel: Y/N?

Guardian Angel: You didn't forget me, right?

Guardian Angel: It's really important

Me: I'm still on the date

"Is it your guardian again?" Jungkook aksed. I nodded. "He says he needs to talk to me about something important." I said.

Guardian Angel: Sorry

"I can drive you home if you want to." Jungkook said and his face showed that he really meant. He almost seemed a little worried. "Thank you." I said and smiled at him.

Me: I'm on my way home soon.

Guardian Angel: Okay

"Can we do this again?" He asked and grabbed my hand as we walked towards the car. "A date?" I asked and he nodded. "Yes, that'd be nice." I said and blushed. 

Jungkook stepped out of the car and opened the door for me. "Thank you Y/N, for today. I had a good evening." He said. "I did too." I said and smiled really big at him. "Well, good night Y/N." He said and bowed his head. I hugged him and he immediately hugged me back. "Good night, Kook." I said and broke the hug. I stepped away smiling and waved at him. he did the same. I watched him drive away before I entered the apartment building. As I reached my front door I saw Jimin sitting beside it. His legs against his chest and head resting on his knees. "Jimin?" I said as I slowly approached him. When he looked up I saw his tears falling.

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