The First Kiss ✔

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His lips were soft against mine. Warmth spread in my body. The butterflies went crazy and my heart stopped for a second before it started racing again. He smiled really big when he backed away. I was still too shocked to do anything. He quickly pecked my lips before he hurried to the door. "I love you!" He shouted before he shot the door behind him. Okay, now I was dead. 


Guardian Angel: Baby

Guardian Angel: Do you wanna come with me to hang out with my friends?

Me: Yess!!

Guardian Angel: I'll pick you up at work and drive you home so you can get ready before we go. Okay?

Me: Sounds good!

"So how is everything going with that Jungkook guy?" One of my colleagues asked and smirked at me. "Eeh... Well..." I said and laughed awkwardly. "What?" She asked confused. "Well, I am kinda together with... with Jimin..?" I said and waited for her reaction. "Oh, My, Gohd!! No!? For real!?" She burst out. I hushed her. "Jimin?" She whispered. I nodded shyly. "When?" She asked excited and grabbed my shoulders. I laughed. "Uhm, yesterday...." I said and blushed. She squealed and jumped a little. I laughed at her. "Oh wait! Have you kissed?" She asked as she turned serious again. I thought for a few seconds. "Well-" She cut me. "Oh my! You did!" She said loudly before I hushed her again. "Y/N!" She whisper-yelled. "What?" I sad and smiled brightly. "Look whos here." She said and turned me around. 

Jimin entered. Butterflies immediately went crazy in my stomach. He smiled brightly when he saw me. I stood behind the disc to take his order. "Hi!" He said as he reached the disc. "Hey! I end my shift in half an hour if you wanna wait." I said. "Yeah, sure." He said and leaned on the disc. "Did you want to order something?" I asked. "Can I get-" He looked at the menu. "Hmm... a kiss?" He said and looked up at me. My face turned red. I tried to hide it but failed. He chuckled. "One kiss. I'll starve without it." He said cheekily and leaned forward. He looked at me with the intense stare I had seen once before. "One kiss." He said and put his hand on top of mine. "Baby. One." He said again and pouted. I sighed and leaned closer to him. "Jimin, people can see us, stop it." I whispered. He took the chance to grab my face and gently press his lips against mine. When he released my face he had a victorious smile. I was still shocked. My heart started speeding up and the butterflies went crazy. He had kissed me three times that day and I loved it every time. 

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