The Start Of A New Beginning ✔

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"Okay. You are all good. I want you to stay until tomorrow so I can check on you again." The doctor said. I nodded. Jimin held my hand tightly. "Thank you, doctor." He said. As the doctor was about to leave Jimin stopped him. "Doctor? Is there any chance that I can stay here tonight?" Jimin asked gripping my hand tighter. "I'll make an exception." The doctor said and smiled at us before he left the room. 

I sat up in my bed reading and Jimin at the table working. I looked up at him. It was so strange to actually be able to see him. He didn't look as I had imagined. His eyes were softer, his nose was smaller, his cheeks were chubbier, his lips were plumper, his hair looked totally different, it was longer and looked really soft and silky, his hands were smaller and he was a lot shorter, but this was more right than in my imagination. This was him. He looked up. "Stop staring at me. I can't work." He said and smiled brightly. I laughed. "I have a few hours to recoup." I said and laughed. 

"Jimin?" I said. He turned his attention towards me again. "Yes?" He said. "I'm hungry. Can we eat something?" I asked him. "Yes, Of course! I'll go down and buy something at the shop. I'll be back real soon." Jimin said and left the room. 

The door opened. I looked up and saw Jimin stepping in with food in his hands. "Hey Y/N! It's Jimin." He said. I smiled at the well-known phrase. He sat down on my bed facing me. "Here is your food." He said and gave me mine as he picked up his own. "Thank you!" I said and smiled brightly before I started eating. "I have a surprise for you when you're done eating." Jimin said and smiled at me."Oh my gosh! Really?! What is it? Tell me, tell me!" I said excited and leaned closer to him. He laughed and gently pushed me back. "Calm down. You'll see later." He said and continued eating. 

"Done!" I said and lifted up my hands to show that there was nothing left. He laughed at me and pulled up the bag. "I know you really like this. And you haven't had it for a while." He said and pulled up a little box. "Say I'm the best." He said and grinned at me. "You're the best!" I repeated loudly. He gave me the box and his smile grew wider. I opened the box. "Oh my-! The chocolate cake!! For real?!" I shouted.
(Im here editing all this, like and eternity later... and I literally thought he meant he would kiss her as the surprise..kinda disappointed in myself)
He was smiling. I leaned forward and hugged him tightly. "You really are the best." I said. Jimin laughed. It sounded amazing. A clear laugh coming right from his heart. I put a bite of the cake in my mouth and stretched the spoon out for him to eat one. "No. It's fine. It's yours." He said. "It's much better to share the things you like with someone you like." I said and put the spoon closer to his mouth. He shook his head and accepted the bite. "It's amazing." I mumbled. I started to explain to myself, in detail, how the chocolate tasted and how perfectly made it was. Jimin chuckled and watched me being me as  I ate my chocolate cake and sometimes offered him some.

Jimin and I were sharing the bed as we watched the TV. The bed was small and it got hot from sitting so close and under the blanket, but it worked. "Okay. It's time to sleep." Jimin said and stood up from the bed. "Where are you planning to sleep?" I asked him as he walked to the armchair. He made a gesture towards the armchair to tell me that was his bed for tonight. "No. You can't sleep there." I said. "Well, I'm not going to leave you alone tonight so this will be it." He said and sat down trying to make himself comfortable. "Jimin, no." I said. He ignored me. "Come, sleep here." I said and tapped beside me. He looked at me and then shook his head. "Whatever your last name is, Jimin, You will not sleep in that armchair. "I said and looked sharply at him. "Fine." He sighed and walked over to me. "And my last name is Park." He said. "Park Jimin." I said to try it out. He nodded.

We laid down and he put his arm at my waist. "Is this okay?" He asked, breathing out in my hair. I mumbled a yes. it was quite awkward but I shook the feeling off me and fell asleep.

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