The New "Ordinary Day" ✔

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Every day seemed to be like the other. I liked it tho. There were no problems, no missing my family because now I had Jimin, I didn't have to worry about paying for the apartment, didn't have to worry about working, there was nothing that pulled me to wake up. 

The nurses came early in the morning. Then about an hour later Jimin came. He would sometimes leave to eat lunch and sometimes he brought it with him to eat in my company. He would talk to me all day. He brought his work to my room and sometimes he asked me if I could help him. He sometimes sang and danced in the room. The doctor would come some hours after lunch to check on me. He talked to Jimin a few minutes everytime. Jimin always had to leave at dinner time but he always promised to be back the next morning. A few hours after Jimin would leave the nurses would come and check on me.

The door opened and closed. This was what I've been waiting for. "Hey Y/N! It's Jimin." The familiar voice with the familiar phrase. "How are you?" He asked. "Good." I thought as an answer. He came up to me and grabbed my hand. "Have you missed me?" He asked. "Yes! Really much!" I thought as an answer. "Do you know what day it is today?" His voice sounded so happy. "No, please tell me." I said in my head. "It's my birthday today." He said and I could hear him smiling. Some seconds was left quiet. "I wish you would wake up soon." He said in his sad voice. 


It knocked on the door. "Yes!?" Jimin said from his seat a few meters away from me. "Hey Jimin!" The doctor said. "Oh? it's already lunchtime?" Jimin said. "Yes. Did you get lost in work again?" The doctor said and laughed a little. "Yeah." Jimin said and laughed. "Take a break and go eat lunch." The doctor said. "Okay. I'll do that after the check up." Jimin said. "Oh and by the way, happy birthday." The doctor said. "Thank you." Jimin laughed. "Do you know what day it'll be tomorrow?" The doctor asked with his work-voice. "Yes, I know." Jimin said. and his voice sounded sad. "It's day 91. Last day of another month." Jimin said. It got quiet. "Well, then I'm done here. See you tomorrow Y/N." The doctor said. "Thank you, doctor." Jimin said. The door opened and closed. The chair moved a little and someone sat down. "Y/N." Jimin said and took my hand in his. "Y/N, it's time to wake up now. It's been a long rest you've had. Everyone misses you. You need to come back." He stopped talking. I could hear low sobs come from him. I wanted to hug him, tell him to stop crying, that I was back. But I wasn't. 

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