The New Couple ✔

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Jimin went to the couch as soon as he entered the apartment. I went to the kitchen to drink some water. "Y/N!?" I heard Jimin call. "Yeah?" I answered. "Come here." He said as I walked into the living room. "What is it?" I asked and smiled at him. He was laying on the couch. He stretched his arms open. "I wanna cuddle." He said and moved so I would fit. I laughed and blushed. Jimin pulled me to lay on top of him. He buried his face in my hair. His breath tickled my neck as his scent reached my nose. My heart was racing incredibly fast until Jimin's arms embraced me. He tightly held me against his chest. I felt his fast beating heart, again. It felt amazing. 

After a while, I felt my eyes getting heavy. I cuddled into Jimin's warmth before I close my eyes and let myself fall asleep. 

I woke up with something wet softly pressing against my forehead. When I opened my eyes and was greeted by a smiling Jimin. He squeezed me for a second before he stood up. "I'm gonna make some food for us." He said and walked to the kitchen. I hurriedly followed him. "Jimin, I can do it." I said as I entered. "No, no, it's fine. I'll do it." He said and opened the fridge. I sat on the kitchen table and watched him.

"Where's the frying pan?" He asked and looked through the kitchen. "Left." I said and he opened the cabinet to his left. "Can you set the table, please." He asked as he continued to cook. I jumped down from the table and made my way to where he was. 

When I was done I sat down on the chair. "Okay! Food is ready." He said and turned around with a proud smile.

11:32 PM

"Okay Jimin. I need to sleep now. I have to work tomorrow." I said and walked towards my bedroom. "I'm coming. Just let me finish this." He said behind me. 

I made myself ready and climbed down in bed when Jimin came in. He smiled brightly, as he had done the whole day. He carefully laid beside me and put his arm under my head and pulled me to him. I put my arm around him as we both cuddled closer to each other. His fingers traveled around in different patterns on my back and shoulder as I drifted to sleep. I had never felt as safe as with Jimin. 


Jimin stroke my hair and back as he hummed on a song to wake me up. Why was he being so cute? I'm dying! When I opened my eyes he smiled. "Time to wake up." He said in a soft voice. "Just a few more minutes." I mumbled and buried my face in his shirt. He chuckled and pulled me closer. I felt how he started twinning my hair around his fingers. A wave of a new sort of tickling feeling hit my body. I liked it... Very much. 

I woke up when Jimin's phone started ringing. He stroke my cheek and gave me a sweet smile before he left the room to answer his phone. I got up and made myself ready for the day. I sat down at the kitchen table to eat. Jimin was still talking on the phone. I heard him. He was sitting on the couch. It sounded important. 

"Baby?" He said. I immediately reacted to my new name. I hummed and looked at him as he entered the kitchen. "I need to hurry to work. Something happened and they need me." I nodded and continued eating. "Can you call me when your shift ends?" He asked. I nodded again and smiled at him. "Good" He mumbled. I felt a little sad because he was leaving me. "See you later." He said and kissed my cheek. He left the kitchen which was lucky for me. Or else he would see how much I blushed. I heard the door open and close. Then I heard footsteps coming towards me. I turned to see who it was. "Yeah, Not a chance I'll survive the day without this." Jimin said and grabbed my face in his hands. His lips gently pressed against mine. 

(I love myself for coming up with this part. I'm a genius sometimes)

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