The End Of The Beginning ✔

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It had been hours since the nurses visited me but Jimin wasn't here.
It knocked on the door. The door opened and closed. I got so happy. He was finally here.

"Hello, Y/N."

It wasn't him.
It was the doctor. I wanted to cry. Why wasn't he here? "I'm done Y/N. I'll be leaving now. See you tomorrow." The doctor said and left. 

1 hour passed. 2 hours passed. 3 hours passed. I felt lonely. I've never felt that lonely before. Even tho I've lived alone for years.
I wanted him to be here. I wanted him to hold my hand. I wanted to hear his voice, him talking and singing. He promised he would be back. Why isn't he here?! 

The door slammed open. It was him. I didn't want this. I wanted him to say "Hey Y/N! It's Jimin." like he always did. Why was he crying? 

He rushed to my side and grabbed my hand. "Y/N! Y/N, you need to wake up! You don't understand how it is to feel this guilty! I want it all to go away! I want it all to stop!! I can't come back anymore. I'm sorry. I can't stand seeing you like this and it's all my fault." He cried out loudly. He held my hand tightly in his. My hand got wet from his tears. I felt so sad. I didn't want this. He can't leave me. I can't stay here without him. I think I cried cuz my face felt a little wet. Jimin let go of my hand and lightly followed my facial features with his fingers. It tickled. "Why are you so beautiful?" He whispered. "I've spent hours looking at this. Am I really gonna give this up? I really want to be here when you wake up. But I can't stand the guilt anymore." He whispered and started crying again. I Used all my power and lifted up my hand to touch him. 

He froze. "Y-Y/N?" He whispered and grabbed my hand. I smiled. "Y/N... open your eyes. Look at me." He said with a low and husky voice. I forced my eyes open. The lights from the laps hurt my eyes. Everything was blurry at first but after a few seconds, I could see the boy. He started smiling. "Oh my gohd Y/N!!" He said and grabbed my face. He put his forehead against mine. "This is amazing." He breathed out. He pulled back and his smile faded. "I'm sorry for hitting you with my car." Jimin said and looked into my eyes. I shook my head and his enchanting smile appeared again.

Accident || Jimin ff ✔Where stories live. Discover now