The Answers ✔

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"My mother is forcing me to marry my ex-girlfriend." 

I didn't know what to say. I just felt hurt. I looked away from him so he wouldn't see my tears. "But listen to me, That will never happen. I have you and that's all I will ever need." He said and took my hand in his. He gently kissed the back of my hand. "I love you so much it hurts." He whispered against my hand as he kissed it again. 

I gave up on being strong and threw myself around his neck. I cried against his chest as he held me tight against him. He stroked my hair which made me get that safe feeling. "I love you" He whispered over and over into my ear.  

When I had calmed down we sat down on the couch. He pulled me to sit between his legs. I leaned back onto his chest as he wrapped his arms around me. "My ex called me that morning. She said that it was urgent and it was about my mother so I went. Now I regret going soo soo much. If I hadn't gone my mother wouldn't have forced me to go to the USA. She said that if I didn't do as she sai, I would lose my job and my family. So I did what she wanted. I didn't get to contact anyone during this time and it was so hard to keep myself away from calling or texting you." He said in a low voice and hugged me tighter. "My ex threatened to hurt you if I didn't do as my mother told me, if she hadn't I had gotten back to you immediately. I guess she knew that. I never wanted this to happen. My mother wants me to go back to the USA next week." He said. "No! You can't!" I said loudly and turned around to face him. He cupped my face with his warm hands and looked into my eyes with a slight smile. "Calm down, I won't." He whispered. I smiled and hugged him. I curled up in his embrace and cuddled into him. 

Jimin rested his head on top of mine

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Jimin rested his head on top of mine. I hugged him tighter. "Don't hurt me anymore, please." I whispered. He kissed my hair. "I promise I will never hurt you." He whispered and kissed my forehead.

"I love you Jimin." I said. "Baby?" He whispered. I hummed. "I don't know what to do." He said and his voice sounded extreamly troubled. I looked up at him. "Y/N, help me." He said and looked deep into my eyes. "We can keep contact over the internet and I can visit." I said. He kissed my temple. "No Y/N " He mumbled. "I have money. We can do this." I said and sat up to look at him. "Y/N no I can't-" I cut him. "It's gonna be alright. We can manage the time differences and-" this time it was him who cut me off by gently grabbing my face in his hands and pulling me into a kiss. "Y/N, I will not leave you." He whispered. "But-" I tried to say something but I didn't know what to say. Jimin pecked my forehead. "I won't go. You and I are gonna stay together. No more leaving." Jimin said. I sighed and nodded. I felt happy. He wasn't gonna leave, I wasn't gonna be alone. I hugged him and rested my head on his chest.

LATE AT NIGHT -- 03.50

I woke up in the bed, alone. At first I got scared but a second later I heard talking from the livingroom. I forced myself to get up from the bed and out towards the talking.

"NO!... I DONT CARE!.... I DID WHAT YOU WANTED. I WENT. NOW IM TELLING YOU NO! I WON'T GO BACK!....*Sigh* mum, I love her. .....I don't care about her anymore she's in my past I love Y/N. ....yes she was important to me but that's the past. ....ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING!?....NO! TELL HER TO GET SOME HELP. SHE WONT COME NEAR Y/N! ....*sigh* I'm gonna hang up now. I don't wanna talk to you. But you better not come near Y/N." I heard Jimin scream to his phone. When he got quiet I stepped forward from behind the wall. Jimin was squatting down on the floor with his back facing me. I quietly walked up to him and hugged him from behind. He got a little surprised by my touch but he smoothly turned around and hugged me back.



Just a reminder to wish Jungkook happy birthday ~~

I've decided to change the ending a little because I wasn't happy with the existing one. So if you've read this story before, (and for some reason are reading it again) this is why it gets different from this chapter.

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