The Confusion Starts ✔

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"What do I do now?" "What's wrong?" "How long has he been waiting for me here?" "He could have told me to come immediately." The thoughts went through my head. I didn't move until he spoke. "Y/N" His voice was weak and raspy. I hurried to him, bent down and hugged him. He was cold, probably because he had been sitting here for a while and he didn't have a jacket. He pulled me closer to him and rested his head in the crook of my neck. 

After a minute I broke the hug. "Come on. I'll give you something warm to drink." I said and stood up. I reached my hand out for him and smiled brightly. He looked at me with swollen eyes and grabbed my hand. I led him to the couch and when he sat down I covered his cold body with a blanket. I went into the kitchen and made some hot chocolate. He laughed a little when I gave his cup to him. "I feel like a kid." He said which made me smile. I sat down beside him in my small couch. He put the blanket so it covered me too. I turned on the TV and looked for something to watch. 


None of us had said a word. We were just looking at the TV. I felt comfortable with him. It had started to rain a while ago and now the thunders cut the electricity. "Oh?" I said and looked at Jimin. It was dark outside so I couldn't really see him that well. "I'll go get some candles." I said and stood up.

I came back and put some on the table and on the window sill before I sat down on the couch again. "Do you wanna tell me?" I asked Jimin. When he didn't answer I looked at him. He was staring down at his fiddling hands. I pulled up my feet and sat so I would be facing him. "You don't have to." I said and put my hand on his. He grabbed my hand with both of his. "Y/N" He said without moving his gaze from our hands. "I don't want you to be with Jungkook-" I cut him. "Jimin, You can't decide what I should do or-" Jimin cut me. His eyes were piercing and his grip on my hand tightened a bit. "- Because I like you." I didn't know what to do. He looked down at our hands again. "But I don't want anything to change if you don't like me back. So.. I didn't wanna tell you." 

(Dont really wanna say it out loud but I'll do it anyway...
I'm pretty damn proud of this chapter)

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