Me ✔

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The nurses came to do a check up on me, like they always do every morning. "Everything seems good." One of them said. "Great. Let's go to the next room." The other one said before I heard the door open and close with a loud bang.

An hour later the door opened and close again. "Good morning Y/N! It's Jimin." The voice said. Then his footsteps came closer to me and he sat down beside me in the chair. "Y/N it's been 8 days now. Please wake up. I want to see your eyes, your smile, hear your voice." Jimin said slowly and held my hand. He was quiet for a few seconds before he spoke again. "My brother visited me yesterday. It's been a while since I saw him. He's usually busy with school or friends. Between you and me, I think he has a girlfriend." Jimin leaned back in his chair and breathed in deeply. His voice changed from the happy one he had when he talked about his family to a sad voice. "I talked to your boss this morning, just before I came here. She wanted to know how you were. They are missing you at work. I went to the café and bought coffee on my way here today. I heard from your colleagues that you are really hardworking. Everyone seemed to really like you. They told me that you're always happy and want to help everybody all the time. They said that always when you are about to close at weekends you eat one of those chocolate cakes and explains how amazing it tastes every time. They miss when you sing and dance around as you clean." He laughed a little. "You obviously likes to draw and write, but you never show anybody when it's done. They said you live alone in an apartment far from the café but you still chooses to walk to work every day. Your parents and brother died in an airplane accident 7 years ago. Your parents didn't have any siblings and your grandparents are all dead too." Jimin stopped and took some deep breaths. "I really wished that I had had the chance to know these things from you, but... here you are... and it's all my fault." His voice cracked. 

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