The Question ✔

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"I'll see you later Y/N!" Jungkook said and waved at me when he left. My colleague grabbed me and shook me back and forth. "OH MY LORD!! He was so handsome!!" She said loudly. I shushed her but inside I was as excited and happy as her. "Y/N!" I heard and another colleague. She came out and hugged me. "It's so good to see you! We all have missed you so much." She said and more of my colleagues approached me. 

I sat down and talked with my boss. We agreed that I would start with a few hours tomorrow. When I was about to leave I stopped and talked with my colleagues again. "Who was that guy Jimin?" One of them asked. "My new guardian. Aaand the one that crashed into me with his car." I said. They got a little shooked. "He is really handsome." One of them said. I smiled and nodded. "I know." I sad shyly and they started laughing.

"See you tomorrow!" I said and left the café. I came home and laid down on the couch. I turned on the TV and watched what was on. About an hour later I got a text. 

Jungkook: Hello!

Jungkook: What are you doing?

Me: Hey! I'm home doing nothing

Me: What about you?

Jungkook: Same

Jungkook: Do you wanna meet me tomorrow?

Jungkook: As a date...

Me: Yes, I would love to!

Jungkook: Cool!

Me: I'm working until 4 pm. But after that I'm free

Jungkook: So at 6?

Jungkook: We can go eat dinner

Me: Sounds great!

Jungkook: Good! I'll come to pick you up

Me: Okay

Jungkook: See you tomorrow Y/N

Me: See you tomorrow Kook

I smiled as I put down the phone. I was really going on a date. I hugged myself started hitting in the air of excitement. My whole body was tingling. My phone interrupted me. I looked at the screen. "New message from Guardian Angel" it said. 

Guardian Angel: Hey Y/N! It's Jimin

Me: Heyyy

Guardian Angel: How do you feel today?

Me: Good

Me: I was at work today

Me: I'll start working a few hours tomorrow

Guardian Angel: Nice!

Guardian Angel: You need to be careful to not overwork yourself tho

Me: I will. Don't worry

Guardian Angel: Good

Guardian Angel: What are you doing tomorrow after work?

Me: I'm actually going on a date

Guardian Angel: A date? 

Guardian Angel: With who?

Guardian Angel: When and where?

Me: Omg! Calm down. His name is Jungkook. We are eating dinner at 6

Guardian Angel: WAIT!!!!

Guardian Angel: JUNGKOOK?? 

Guardian Angel: That's my friend...

Me: Really? 

Guardian Angel: I don't want you to go

Me: What? Why?

Guardian Angel: Just don't 

Me: Is something wrong with him?

Guardian Angel: No. He is really nice, but you shouldn't go

Me: I don't see the problem 

Me: I will go

Guardian Angel: .....

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