What Happened ✔

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It was dark. My ears were ringing and my body felt numb. I couldn't move. I couldn't even open my eyes. The ringing started fading and some mumbling voices appeared. It was cold and bright behind my eyelids. I heard a door close. "Hey... Y/N." I didn't recognize the voice. "My name is Jimin. I-I was the one who hit you with the car." It sounded like he sat down next to my side. "I'm sorry." His voice cracked. "Why would you do that?" He cried, I think. "There was no crossroad there. And it was so dark I couldn't see you until it was too late.  I'm so sorry." He said and started sobbing. He grabbed my hand and got quiet. "Your fingers are like ice. You must be cold." He whispered. He carefully laid my hand back on the bed beside me and pulled up my cover. Someone opened the door. "Sir, you have to go now." Someone said. A soft voice that I guessed belonged to a nurse. "Okay." Jimin said and rubbed my shoulder lightly.

Some nurses came to check on me. "I called her boss. She said that Y/N has overworked herself for a long time. The crash didn't do much damage but she's too tired to wake up." The nurse from yesterday said. "But she can hear us?" The other asked. It sounded like a younger male. "Yes. We think so." The woman said. "Okay, everything is checked." The woman said and both of them left with a loud bang from the door.


The door opened and closed. "Hey Y/N! It's Jimin." The voice said before I felt someone sit beside me. "I'm surprised that I haven't met your parents yet. I want to apologize to them too. I hope they'll visit you today so I can meet them." He said. I wanted to tell him that they wouldn't come, but I was unable to control my mouth and voice. 

Jimin was quiet for a while then I heard the chair move a little. "You know, Y/N" His voice was soft when he tried saying my name again. "I was on my way home from my girlfriend, yeah well, ex-girlfriend." He took a deep breath. "She broke up with me that night. We had been together for three years. She said- She said that... she was in love... with someone else." He said and then got quiet. "Aaaiish!! How could I be so stupid?! She was always busy and when I met her she checked her phone all the time. I'm so stupid!"I wanted to hug him and tell him everything would be fine, but I couldn't.

Someone knocked on the door. "Yes?" Jimin said. the door opened and closed with a bang. "Hello, doctor." Jimin said politely, I bet he even bowed. "Hello. I will just do a check-up on Y/N." The doctor said. "Ah. Yes. Do that." Jimin said and his voice sounded a little awkward. "Uhm. Doctor?" I heard Jimin say after a quiet minute. "Yes?" the doctor answered. "Well, I was wondering... if... when Y/N's parents are gonna come and visit." Jimin said. It got quiet again. What was happening? "They didn't ask?" The doctor mumbled. Jimin hummed. "The nurses put you as her guardian when you first came in here. They should've asked before." The doctor said. "What do you mean? What about her parents?" Jimin asked. "They passed away many years ago, along with her brother." the doctor said. "Oh." Was everything Jimin said. the doctor left and Jimin sat down beside me again. He took my hand in both of his. "I'm sorry Y/N. You obviously have bad luck. From now on, I'll do my best at being your guardian. Okay?" Jimin said. 

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