Jealous ✔

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He turned around and looked at me with pitch-black eyes. A shiver went down my spine. I felt scared. "Jimin, stop." I said but it came out as a whisper. Jimin took a step towards me and I immediately backed away. "Y/N" He whispered and his eyes softened. I didn't meet his eyes. Instead, I only looked down on my feet. "Y/N, I would never hurt you." He said and stepped closer. I pulled myself together to prevent myself from backing away. Jimin gently grabbed my face in his hands and stroke my wet hair from my face. "Y/N, let's go home." He said with his normal and gentle voice. He put his jacket over my shoulders and carefully led me the rest of the way to the car. 

It was quiet the whole ride. As soon as he stopped in front of my apartment I left the car and made my way to the elevator. Jimin followed me. I ignored him and entered my apartment. I tried to close the door behind me but Jimin stopped me. He entered and close it behind him. I silently walked towards my bedroom the get dry clothes when I heard Jimin calling my name over and over. He then grabbed my arm. "Y/N. Listen to me." He said and tried to turn me around. "NO!" I said with a determined voice and tried to pull my arm from his grip. "Y/N" He said again. "Let go of me." My voice was cold. "Y/N, just listen to me, please." He said again almost begging. "NO! JIMIN I SAID NO! LET GO OF ME!" I shouted at him. "Y/N I DON'T WANT YOU TO BE CLOSE TO HIM!" He shouted back at me. "You can't decide who I can be with." I said. "Just hear me out." He said and tried to grab me again. "WHY THE HELL SHOULD I LISTEN TO YOU!?!" I shouted and tried to leave "CAN'T YOU SEE THAT I'M TRYING!?!" Jimin shouted and threw his phone, that he held in his hand, hard into the wall leaving a mark and his phone probably broke too. "WHY ARE YOU BEING LIKE THIS!?!" I shouted at him. "I DON'T LIKE WHEN THEY TOUCH YOU! YOU'RE MINE! YOU BELONG TO ME!" Jimin shouted with all his power before he sank down on the floor and hid his face in his hands. I was so shocked. He was crying. "Jimin." I slowly said and approached him. "You won't ...leave me...right?" He said between his sobs. My heart melted. I hurriedly closed the remaining gap between us and hugged him tightly. He buried his face in the crook of my neck and hugged me tightly. My body curved after his. "I won't leave you, I promise. I'm not like her, your ex." I said and run my hair through his soft hair over and over. "I love you." He said in my neck and I felt him kissing it. I hugged him tighter. "I love you." He said again and kissed my neck. 

"I love you too."

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