Them ✔

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What do I do? Why do I feel like this? I haven't done anything wrong, right? Why do I feel so ashamed? WHAT DO I DO?!

"Y/N?" Jungkook said my name. I was just staring at the floor. Right! Jimin once said he knew Jungkook. "Y/N?" Jungkook said again. I looked up at him then at Jimin than the other guys. I can't be here! My whole body told me to run. "Y/N?" Jungkook said and grabbed my arm gently. I backed away from him looking at him then Jimin than back to Jungkook. "I...I-I need to go!" I said in panic and ran out of the house. I heard both of them calling for me as I left, I couldn't stay. I ran as I tried to remember the way. My phone started ringing. I didn't even look at it I just continued running until I couldn't breathe anymore. I leaned on my knees to catch my breath then I continued walking. My phone started ringing again, and again and again. I ignored it every time.

I reached my apartment and pressed the button to call the elevator. After a few seconds, I heard a car stop outside. I recognized Jimins car immediately and turned to take the stairs. At the 5th floor, I couldn't breathe. I could hear Jimin calling me so I continued. My phone was still ringing and Jimin was following me on the stairs. When I reached my door I pressed the code and slammed the door behind me. I locked it from the inside and slid down to the floor. I tried to breathe as I started crying. Jimin had reached my door and started to knock. "Y/N! Y/N calm down!" He said on the other side of the door trying to get me to listen. I was panicking. I couldn't stop myself from crying or get myself to breathe. "Y/N, please let me in, please." His voice got lower. I think he was crying too. I was curling together panicking even more. "Y/N! Listen to me! Breathe in and out. Calm down. Breathe in and out. In and out." He said calmly guiding me through my panic attack.

I was still sitting against the door. I had calmed down and now I was just lightly sobbing. My phone had stopped ringing and Jimin had gotten quiet. After a few minutes, I got a message. I picked up my phone and checked. I had 43 missed calls. 36 of them was from Jungkook and the rest was from Jimin. I also had a text message from Jimin. I opened it.

Guardian Angel: Are you okay?

Guardian Angel: I can see that you've read it

Guardian Angel: No one is mad at you

Guardian Angel: I am worried

Guardian Angel: So is Jungkook

Guardian Angel: Should I call someone?

Guardian Angel: Please answer me

Guardian Angel: Y/N?

Me: I like you

Me: But I like him too

(Pretty good cliffhanger if I can have an opinion ...
I'm honestly impressed by myself)

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