The Confession ✔

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"Y/N" "I don't want you to be with Jungkook-" "-Because I like you" "But I don't want anything to change if you don't like me back. So... I didn't wanna tell you" 

"Because I Like you" 

"I like you" 

I was just staring at him. His words echoed in my ears. My heart started beating faster. Jimin broke the eye contact and looked at our hands. "Y/N" My body felt weird when I heard him saying my name. "Yeah" I whispered still looking at him. "What do you feel?" He asked with a serious tone. I started to think about it. "I don't know." I whispered and grabbed his hand when he started to let go. "But there is something." I said and he looked shocked at me. I was really going to be honest with him. He deserves to know, even tho it made me really nervous to talk about it. "I've never, so far, thought about you in... in that way, but when I'm with you I feel safe. And I... it feels different." I said. "What about Jungkook?" He asked. "I- I don't know. I think I'm starting to... starting to like him." I said and looked down. "That's okay Y/N. As long as I get to be your friend." He said and smiled. He really was trying but I could see through him. He was hurting. "Thank you." I whispered and hugged him. "We'll make the best out of this." He said and I nodded. 

It had been quiet for a few minutes. Jimin was playing with my fingers. I liked it. The thunder and the raining became more intense. "Jimin?" I said and he looked up at me. "You should stay here tonight. I don't have a car and you don't have a jacket." I said. He nodded. "Thank you." He said. 

"We should go to sleep. It's late." Jimin said. I nodded. "Yeah, you're right." I stood up and started walking towards my bedroom. "Jimin? Can you sleep with me? It's gonna get cold because we don't have any electricity." I said embarrassed, fiddling with my fingers. "That's probably a good idea." He said and followed me.

We laid down beside each other trying to fit. Jimin put his arm around me and moving closer to prevent himself from falling off the bed. "Is this okay?" He asked. I nodded. My heart was beating hard and fast. He was so warm. I felt his breathing in my hair. He smelled good like he always does. I moved closer and he noticed because he tightened his grip around me. 

Maybe I do like him.

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