The Promise ✔

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I was out with Tae. He had asked me to help him do some errands... whatever those was because he wouldn't tell me.

We hadn't heard anything from Jimin's mum since that night and that made me kinda worried.

"Y/N!" Tae said and poked my side. "Huh?" I hummed and focused on him. "Can Jungkook join? He texted." Tae said and showed his phone. "Yeah sure!" I said and nodded enthusiastically. 

Tae and I waited at the parking lot for Jungkook. It was sunny outside so we just sat on the bench enjoying the warmth. Tae was usually quiet. Well, until Jungkook appeared, then he suddenly had tons to talk about.

We went to the mall and just walked around in the stores for about 2 hours until we finally sat down at a cafe. Jungkook was checking his phone a lot, he never does that. I bent forward to Tae. "Does Jungkook have a crush or something? Who's he's texting? He looks so happy." I whispered so Jungkook wouldn't hear.  Tae looked over at Jungkook quickly and then back at me. "Maybe, maybe not. He hasn't told me about anyone, well since you. He always talked about you when you two just met, and after that too..." I stopped listening to Tae. He was talking a lot, unusually much. He always talks but not like this. It's just like he's vomiting words right now.

"Let's go to the beach!" Jungkook suddenly said. He hadn't said almost anything in an hour, he was just texting and then listening to me and Tae from time to time. "Yes!" Tae agreed and stood up. "Come on Y/N!" The two of them said and pulled me with them. "What's this all of a sudden?" I asked as I followed them towards the car. "What? We can't go to the beach?" Jungkook asked. "We always go to the beach." Tae said. "Yeah, but I mean..-" I tried but decided to just leave it.

We stopped the car at the beach and when I stepped out Tae wanted me to cover my eyes with a bandana. I didn't question him because... Well it's Tae, he's like that. He led me down the sand and I could heard the waves which made me feel calm. "Okay now you can look." Tae said and helped me uncover my eyes.

All of the guys were there. They had prepared a bonfire and snacks and all. "What is this!?" I said loudly and hugged them all. Jimin was the last one to hug me and he didn't let go of my hand as we sat down at the fire.
We talked for a long time. After all, they were basically my family and it had been awhile since we were all together like this.

"Uhm, Y/N. Jimin has a question for you." Yoongi said. I looked at Jimin who sat beside me. He seemed nervous. "Yeah." He said and turned a little to see me better. "So, Uhm. This, Uhm. I-I-I." He stuttered. He sighed deeply before he took a deep breath. "I actually prepared a speech, but screw that." He mumbled and moved closer again I chuckeled at his nervousness. "Y/N?" He said. "Yeah?" I said uneasily. "You know I love you. And that I want to spend my whole life with you." I nodded. "Uhm, so, Uhm, I wanna ask you to stay with me forever." He said and fumbled with a little black box. I was so shocked it was hard to breathe. "Y/N, you are the love of my life, do you wanna marry me?" He asked and kneeled down in the sand. I was just looking at him and the beautiful ring. "Y/N?" He asked. "How could I ever say no to you?" I whispered and tears started falling from my eyes. "Is that a yes?" Jimin asked. I nodded. Jimin brought me into a tight hug. "I love you so so much." He said in my ear. I hugged him back tighter. 

After a few minutes, he broke the hug hand grabbed my hand and slipped on the ring. "Now you belong to me for real. And it will be even more real after we're married. Then you can't escape." I laughed at what he said. 

I couldn't stop looking at and playing with the cute ring for the rest of the evening. Jimin was at my side the whole time. He was holding my hand tight in his as we talked with the others.

 He was holding my hand tight in his as we talked with the others

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We were laying in bed facing each other. Jimin was holding me tight against him. "I have something to tell you." I said. "Oh? What is it?" He asked curiously. "It's about the kid thing. You asked me a few days ago and I said no. I was waiting for you to ask me to marry you. My mum always told me to never have kids before the man has shown that he wants to stay with you forever." I said. "For real? If you had told me earlier. We would have been married by now." He said. "Yeah but then you wouldn't have wanted to do it just for me to be engaged with you but because of the ability to have a kid too." I said. "True" He sighed. "Wait! Wait! Wait! You mean that we can have a kid now?!" He asked loudly with his sparkling eyes staring into mine. I smiled brightly and nodded.

"Omo I've been trying to convince you for such a long time and all I had to do was propose...? Holy shit... I could've proposed right away instead of waiting for our anniversary!" He was sitting up and talking almost frantically. I was just laughing at him. "Aissh! You're such an awful person! You know that?! Right!?" He said with a huge grin. I laughed even more as I nodded and agreed with what he just had said. "But now that I've already proposed, let's have kids!" He said excitedly and climbed above me. I had managed to stop laughing but I still had a bright smile plastered on my lips.
"Babyyy I want to have kids!!! I want to be a dad!! Hurryy!" He whined. "Park Jimin, you are adorable." I said and pecked his lips. "I'm gonna be an even more adorable father." He said and gave me a silly wink. "Yeah I bet." I laughed and pulled him down to hug me. "I love you Park Jimin." "I love you Park Y/N."

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