The Rivals ✔

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When I woke up, Jimin was still holding me close to him. I turned around to face him. He was sleeping. I stoke his hair away from his eyes. He was so handsome. He seemed so soft. The thoughts were spinning in my head. Why did he look different now? Why did I feel different? When did all this start? What about Jungkook? I do like Jungkook, right? Jimin moved a little and his hair fell back. I gently stroke it away again. I then let my fingertips slowly trace from his forehead down his cheek. My heart was beating fast. Jimin's hand grabbed mine and intertwined our fingers. He pulled them down close to his mouth. His warm breath tickled my hand. I liked it. 


Jungkook: Hi Y/N!

Me: Hey Kook!

Jungkook: Are you at work?

Me: Yep

Jungkook: When are you off?

Me: At 5

Me: Why?

Jungkook: Do you wanna hang out with me and my friends tonight?

Me: Yeah sounds good!

Jungkook: Good! I'll come and pick you up 

Me: At 6?

Jungkook: Perfect!

Me: See you then!

Jungkook: See you!

5:48 PM

Jungkook: I'm here. Are you done?

Me: Yes

Me: I'll be there in a minute

Jungkook: Okay

I took my thinks and went out. He was standing leaning against the car. His childish smile appeared when he saw me. "Hey!" I said. He hugged me. "Hey, beautiful." His voice was enchanting. He then opened the door for me before he went to his side. As we stopped at a red light, Jungkooks hand went from the steering wheel to my hand. He intertwined our fingers. "My friends can be a little weird and... intrusive." Jungkook said. I laughed a little. "I bet they are really nice." I said. He smiled. 

He parked and opened the door for me. He immediately grabbed my hand. The butterflies in my stomach were going crazy. He pulled me into a big house. "We're here!" He shouted and took my jacket. "Livingroom!" I heard a voice from inside. Jungkook pulled me by my hand with him towards the voice. I heard some people talking and when we entered I could see the back of 6 guys on the couch. "Sorry we are late. There was a lot of traffic." Jungkook said and pulled me with him. "Hyungs, this is-" Jungkook started to introduce me. "Y/N?" It was Jimin. He looked shocked at me and I probably had the same expression as him. "You know each other?" Jungkook aksed. I nodded. "He's my guardian." I said without leaving Jimins eyes. "Hyung, she's the girl you talked about?" Jungkook asked and Jimin nodded. Jungkooks grip on my hand loosened and his hand left mine. 

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