The Friend ✔

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Jimin stopped the car in front of his house. Other cars were already parked there. "Are they here?" I asked. Jimin nodded.

He held my hand tightly as we entered the house. "Hello!?!" Jimin shouted to the people inside the house. "Y/N is here too!" He shouted again. "Y/NN!!!" I heard a voice coming towards us. Taehyung hurried up to me and pulled me into a tight hug. "Hey, Tae." I laughed as he lifted my feet from the ground. He put me down and pulled me with him to the big living room. "Hey!" I said and smiled brightly to the other guys who were sitting on the couch, including Jungkook. Taehyung sat down and pulled me down beside him. "What are you guys doing?" I asked. "Just watching some TV. Nothing special." Namjoon said.

Jimin sat down beside me and pulled me closer to him. I laid my head on his shoulder. Teahyung held my hand and played with my fingers. He would usually do this, so I didn't mind but I got the feeling that Jimin did. I just shrugged off that feeling and let Taehyung continue.

"Guys! I'm hungry." Jin said after a few minutes. "Should we go to a restaurant?" Hoseok asked and looked at everyone. We agreed and left the big couch.

"Here you go." Taehyung said and handed me my jacket. I thanked him and smiled. Jimin grabbed my hand. I turned to him. He was looking at Taehyung. I pecked Jimin's jaw and stepped closer to him. He didn't move a muscle. We drove to the restaurant. Jimin held my hand as he drove. Hoseok and Jungkook followed in our car as the others took Jin's car. Jimin didn't say a word on the whole way there and when we entered he held me close to him and as far away from the others as he could.

The waiter showed us to our table. I sat down by the window, Jimin beside me and Taehyung in front of me. I leaned closer to Jimin. "Jimin, are you jealous?" I asked. He shook his head. "Y/N! You need to taste this!" Taehyung said loudly and reached food out for me. I took the food and showed thumbs up. I Didn't care about Jimin anymore. He was angry about something and didn't talk to me so I decided to let him be.

When we were done eating Taehyung pulled me with him to that park. "Look! Look!" He said and showed me the new fountain. "Oh my god! Look at the kids!" I said and smiled brightly.

 "Oh my god! Look at the kids!" I said and smiled brightly

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Taehyung then grabbed my hand and pulled me into it. "NO! TAE! We'll get wet!" I shouted. Taehyung just laughed. He pulled me to where the kids were and played with the water. I laughed at him Playing with the kids. "Y/N!" He shouted and splashed more water on me. I was already soaked so it didn't matter. This was typical Taehyung. We had grown close during this two months when Jimin and Jungkook were... competing..? Taehyung grabbed my hands. "Dance with me!" He said and started moving. I laughed until my stomach hurt but followed Taehyungs movements. "Y/N (Last name)!!" I heard my name from a strong voice. I stopped dancing and pulled Taeyung with me out of the water. We both were laughing so much. "Y/N! We are going home! Now!" Jimin said and grabbed me. "Jimin! What are you doing!?" I said loudly as he dragged me away from the others. He ignored me and continued dragging me behind him to the car. "Jimin, STOP!" I said and ripped my hand from his grip. He turned around and looked at me with pitch-black eyes.

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