The Abandon ✔

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I woke up by Jimin's phone ringing. I looked at Jimin. He was still sleeping. His arms were tightly wrapped around me. I groaned and nudged his side. "Jimiiin..." I said with my morning voice. He hummed and tightened his grip on me. "Jimin, your phone." I said but let him hug me. He reached his hand out for his phone and put it to his ear. "Hello?" He said. His body got tensed. "I'm on my way." He said and put his phone down. He hugged me and kissed my hair. "I need to go." He whispered in my ear. "Nooo" I groaned and hugged him tighter. He chuckled and buried his face in my neck. "I really need to go." He said and kissed my neck.

"Baby?!" I heard Jimin call me from the kitchen. "Yeah?!" I answered from the bathroom where I was doing my makeup. "Are we out of milk?" He shouted to me. "Yes!" I shouted back.

I walked out to the kitchen. "Food is ready." Jimin said and sat down at the table. I sat down opposite him. "Who was the call from? Work?" I asked and looked at him. He shook his head and hesitated before he answered. "My ex." His voice was a little darker than usual. I just nodded.

"I'll call you later. I need to hurry now." He said and grabbed his jacket. "I love you." He said and opened the door. "I love you too." I said before the door closed. I turned around but got pulled back into an embrace. "I can't leave just yet." Jimin said and hid his face in the crook of my neck. I turned around and hugged him back. I leaned back to look at his face. "I'm gonna miss you." I whispered. He smiled and kissed my lips. "I couldn't even walk out of the building." He said and laughed. He leaned his forehead against mine. "I'll see you later." He whispered. I nodded. He pecked my nose and my lips once before he deeply kissed me. "I love you."


Me: Are you done?

Me: I miss you


Me: Jimin?

Me: Where are you? It's late

Me: I'll go to bed soon


Me: I hope everything is alright

Me: I'll go to sleep now

Me: Good night

Me: I love you


I've tried calling and texting and talking to the other guys. No one knows anything about Jimin. I went to his house a few times but no one was there. I'm feeling really depressed by now. I've starting to cut the contact with the guys and I no longer have any motivation to work.

I sat on the floor. My stomach was growling and the hunger was eating me from inside. I hadn't eaten for 3 days. I was just crying. Crying over being left... again. He said he loved me. He made me love him. He was the only one I had. I leaned against the wall and curled together. Then my phone started ringing. I waited for it to stop but the person immediately called again. I stood up on my week legs and walked over to my bedroom. Without looking who it was I threw the phone into the wall. A photo frame fell down and crashed. I walked to it and picked up a glass piece. I rolled up my sleeve and was about to run the glass over my arm when I froze by the voice.


Thanks to @piper1324 for coming up with the idea for this chapter. ...And a few of those chapters that will come soon.

And a few of those chapters that will come soon

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