The wedding ✔

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"Come on Y/N!" Tae said and pulled me into different stores. He made me try all different types of wedding dresses and shoes. "This looks soooo cute." or "Woow.. Amazing!" or "That's the one." was things Tae said when I showed him. Tae and Hobi were the ones to follow me as the others made everything else ready for the wedding next week. Hobi was standing behind Tae and sending me small gesticulations about how it really looked. I can't always trust Tae's fashion sense.

I ended up getting a beautiful dress with the perfect shoes.


A few hours before the wedding, Tae got me into a beauty salon. A worker came and took me to a chair. She asked what if there were anything special that I wanted before she started with my makeup and hair. "Okay, Looks good." She said and turned me around.


I was so nervous. I could hear people talking but I didn't get to show myself just yet.

After a while, someone came and told me to get ready. I got even more nervous and played the whole scene in my head over and over so I would know exactly what to do. "Okay" I heard the person say to signalize me to go in. The doors opened and I started walking towards Jimin. He was so handsome. I don't think I'd ever seen him in a suit before. He was smiling like crazy at me. When I came closer he held out his hand and helped me up a few steps. We turned towards each other and let it all be done.

(How Jimin looked)

(If there is a more beautiful human being on earth, please tell me)

(I mean.. like what...?!?!)

(Just look at the guy)

(Holy damn, I'm dying)

Jimin put the ring on my finger together with the one I already had and surprisingly to me they were a set. They fit each other perfectly. "Like you and me." Jimin said leaving me thinking he could read my mind.


"Here you go, baby." Jimin said as he sat back down beside me and places a glass of wine in front of me. "Oh, Eh" I said thinking how to tell him. "What's wrong?" Jimin asked. "Oh, it's just that.... I- I can't drink this." I said. He looked questioningly at me. "What? Why? You always choose this." He said. I nodded and chuckled a little. "But I can get you something else." He said and stood up. "No, no, no. Don't." I said and grabbed his arm. He sat back down and continued to look at me with that face. "Baby, what's going on?" He whispered. I leaned closer to him. "Jimin.... I'm pregnant." I whispered in his ear. He moved back and looked at me shocked. "Nooo.... for real??" He asked with a big smile. I nodded. Jimin pulled me into a tight hug. He kissed me before he turned to the others. "Listen everyone!" He said loudly and all of the people around the tables looked at us. "I am going to be a dad!" He said and held me closer to him. I could hear the people gasp and starting to mumble things like "I knew it" and "Finally" and "I'm so happy for them" a second before they started clapping and whistling. I think I could see some tears in his eyes. I hugged his waist and kissed his cheek.

We sat down and Jimin turned to me. "You are pregnant for real?" He asked and I couldn't keep myself from laughing a bit. "Yes Jimin. You even told everybody already." I said. He smiled and looked down at my stomach. He gently put his hand on top of it. "I love you." He whispered to me and kissed me. "I love you too." I said back.


He carried to the bed and crawled above me. "Baby, you're pregnant." He said and smiled brightly. I started laughing. "Yes, I am." I said and pecked his lips. "And, we are married." I said. He sighed and laid down his head in the crook of my neck. "Finally." He whispered in my ear and kissed my neck.

I've decided to end this here and continue with my other stories (which you should totally read)

I hoped you liked this story

Thanks for reading!!💜💜

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