The Festival ✔

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It has been more than two months since that day. We talked about it, which was extremely awkward, I thought I was gonna die. We haven't talked about it after that. We act as usual, almost. Both of them are trying more and it kinda feels wierd to be around them. 



Hobi: Someone wanna go to the festival with me tomorrow?

Namjoon: I'm in

Jungkook: Yep

Jin: Me too

Yoongi: Do I have to?

Hobi: Yes!

Yoongi: Fine

Me: I'm coming

Jimin: Me too

Tae: Same

Hobi: When should we meet?

Jin: 7 PM?

Hobi: Sounds good!

Hobi: Everyone okay with that?

Me: Yes

Tae: Yep

Namjoon: Yes

Yoongi: Sure

Jimin: Yes

Jungkook: Yeah

Hobi: See you all then!


Guardian Angel: Should I come to pick you up tomorrow?

Me: No, it's fine. I'll walk there

Guardian Angel: Okay

Guardian Angel: Be careful!

Me: I know


Junkook: I'm gonna pick you up before the festival

Me: No thank you

Me: I'll walk

Jungkook: Are you sure?

Me: Yep

Me: But thanks anyway

Jungkook: Always

Jungkook: See you tomorrow then

Me: Yeah, see you


We were walking around playing some games and eating food. Jungkook was walking close to me all the time. His hand brushed mine with every step. Jimin was always close to us. He would share his food with me and pull me to watch him play games. "Hey, Guys! The fireworks will go off soon." Namjoon said. We started to walk to the square. At some point, both Jimin and Jungkook disappeared. I looked around but I couldn't see them. I continued walking with the others. We stood close to the fountain and waited for the fireworks. "How are you feeling Y/N?" Jin asked. "I'm good. Why?" I answered and looked confused at him. "You look a little down." He said. "Well, I'm a little worried for Jimin and Jungkook. They are not here." I said and Jin smiled. "Stop worrying. They'll be here." He said and put his arm around me. 

Without noticing, I was looking around, searching for them the whole time. Suddenly the fireworks went off and got my attention. They lit up the sky making the few starts I could see go away. The colors of the different fireworks reflected in the fountain. Someone grabbed my arm making me turn towards them. The two guys looked at me with some kind of expression I couldn't understand. "Hey! You almost missed the fireworks!" I shouted so they would hear me. "Y/N." Jungkook said between the loud noises but the rest of the sentence got blurred out. "What?!" I shouted back to him stepping closer to them. He said it again but I still couldn't hear him. I looked at Jungkook and shook my head saying I can't hear him. "Y/N! You need to choose!" Jimin shouted and right after the fireworks stopped. "What?" I said shocked even tho I heard him. "We think it's time that you choose." Jungkook said. I looked between them. "We all are hurting right now. This is not healthy for any of us. And we both want you to make a decision." Jimin said calmly. "You want me to choose between you?" I said and looked between them. "Yes!" They said at the same time.

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