The Date pt.1 ✔

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I had hurried home from work to shower. When I was done I dressed and started doing my makeup as I got a text message from Jimin.

Guardian Angel: Please Y/N, don't go

Me: Tell me why

I got no answer so I continued doing my makeup. When I was done I sat down on the couch and played with my phone until I got a message from Jungkook asking for my address. He said he'd be there in 10 minutes.

When it knocked on the door I got really nervous. I quickly fixed my hair with my fingers on my way to the door. When I opened it I saw a handsome guy smiling right at me. "Hi!" He said. "You look really beautiful." He said with a more mature tone. "Thank you." I looked down to hide that I was blushing. "Are you ready to go?" Jungkook asked. "Ah, Yeah." I said and stepped out and locked the door. He gently slid his hand down my arm and grabbed my hand. He pulled me with him into the elevator. I felt like I was supposed to say something but I didn't know what. "Y/N, you don't have to be so nervous." He said smiling at the door that was opening. I laughed a little. He showed me to his car and opened the door for me.

The car ride felt a little weird. None of us talked. Luckily it wasn't far to the restaurant from my apartment. He parked and quickly opened my door for me. He, again, smoothly grabbed my hand as we walked side by side. When we reached the table, he pulled the chair for me before he sat down. I've never met someone in my age who would do this. "Uhm, Y/N?" Jungkook said. I looked up at him and smiled a little. "Why are you so nervous?" He asked and leaned on the table. "I-I...I don't know. I usually don't go on dates." I said and blushed. Jungkook chuckled. "Don't worry. We can just say that it is you and me trying to get to know each other." He said and smiled brightly. I laughed. "That kinda is what a date is." I said and he started laughing too. "Yeah. I guess it is. I'm not really used to this either." He said. We shared some kind of moment where our eyes were locked, my hear felt fluttery and my face started heating a little. Jungkook leaned back in his chair. "You said you just came from the hospital, right?" He asked. I nodded. "I got released just 3 days ago." I said. "Oh? What happened?" He asked and his face turned serious which made him look more mature than his usual cute childish smile. "Well, I was hit by a car on my way home from work and I ended up In a coma for three months." I said. A waiter came with our drinks. "Your food is ready soon." He said and bowed. We thanked him and he left. "3 months is a long time. How was it being in a coma?" He asked and leaned forward on the table again. "Uhm, strange. It was like sleeping but my brain was fully awake and I was hearing everything that happened around me." I said. "Really? You could hear?"He asked with big eyes. I nodded. The same waiter came with our food and placed it on our table. My phone vibrated and the display said I got a new message.

Guardian Angel: Y/NNN

Me: What?

Guardian Angel: How is your date going?

Me: Good

Me: Why do you wanna know?

Guardian Angel: Can I come over later?

Me: Is everything okay?

Guardian Angel: No

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