The Comeback ✔

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"Y/N! STOP!! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?!!" He rushed to me and grabbed the glass piece. I broke down crying again. "What are you doing here!?!" I shouted at him. "I'm sorry Y/N. I'll tell you everything. Just calm down." He said and was about to hug me. I harshly pushed him away. "Don't touch me!" I shouted and curled together. "Y/N?" He said and I felt his gaze burning holes in me. "Baby?" He said and came closer again. "Jimin, go away!" I shouted at him and moved away. "Y/N" He whispered. "STOP IT! JUST STOP!" I shouted. "Listen to me." Jimin said and touched my arm. "I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME! BUT YOU LEFT! YOU RUINED ME! I WISH I NEVER MET YOU!" I shouted and looked into his eyes. "Y/N I never meant to hurt you. I didn't want to leave you. I really love you." He said with his kind and calm voice. He understood how much I was hurting. "YOU WOULDN'T HAVE LEFT ME IF YOU LOVED ME!" I screamed and was about to stand up when Jimin grabbed both my hands. "Y/N, calm down and let me explain. This is more complicated than you think." He said and looked deep into my eyes. "Don't touch me." I hissed and stood up. I walked out of the room. Jimin followed behind me. "Y/N! Y/N! I messed up everything but you have to listen to me! Please! I need you!" He said loudly and followed my every step. "Leave me alone!" I shouted and opened the apartment door and left. "Y/N!" He called for me over and over but I was too angry to listen. I walked down the stairs and fought with my low energy to keep myself going forward. I failed at the last step and fell to the cold ground. "Y/N!!!" I heard Jimin before he grabbed me and lifted me up. I was too weak to do anything. He carried me to the elevator. He held me tightly pressed against him. My eyes felt heavy. I hadn't had one night of good sleep the past month and Jimin's presence was everything I needed, even tho I didn't' want to admit it. I rested my head in the crook of his neck and breathed in his scent. I loved it. I didn't want to, but I was obsessed with him. 

I woke up by the smell of food. My stomach hurt out of hunger. "Y/N." I heard Jimin soft voice beside me. "Come and eat." He said and helped me sit up. I put my arm around his neck for support. I knew I was still angry and disappointed in him but I was too hungry to care. I put my feet on the floor and was about to stand up but Jimin lifted me up and carried me to the table. I didn't say a word to him during the time I was eating. 

Jimin carried me to the couch and laid me down on it as he sat beside me on the floor. "Can I tell you what happened?" He asked and looked down at his hands. I thought for a while before I hummed. His eyes shot up to meet mine and his whole face lit up. 

"I love you. I've never felt like this for anyone before. You are the most important person to me. Do you understand?" Jimin said slowly as he gently held my face in his hands. I nodded. He took a deep breath before he said it. My body turned ice cold, my heart dropped and my tears started burning again. 

Accident || Jimin ff ✔Where stories live. Discover now