~ First Meeting (Post-Scratch)~

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A/N: Okay my first chapter. I hope you guys like it.

Karkat Vantas

You were working at a coffee shop when a troll with permanent scowl and nubby horns yelled at another troll with 3D glasses that was sitting across from him at a table. Now they were the only ones there however the short guy had a pretty loud voice.You didn't know why he was yelling but for some reason you were just curious about the screaming Alternian.

You walk over to his table and wave, "Hello sir? Would you be kind enough as to tone down your voice please?"

The trolls looked up at you.

"WHAT THE EVER ALTERNIAN FUCK IS UP WITH PEOPLE JUST TELLING THAT I NEED TO TONE IT DOWN. DOES IT LOOK LIKE I CAN CONTROL MY FUCKING VOICE? IF I DID THEN MY PROBLEMS WOULD BE SOOOOO MUCH SIMPLER THAN-"The other troll with the Gemini symbol punched him in the arm. You were obviously confused at the Cancer's sudden outburst but said nothing.

"ii'm 2orry for KK'2 loud voiice 2weetiie. Hii2 ju2t on a what ii call a 'biitch fiit' 2o he 2tart2 to get a liitle two loud." You noted his obvious lisp.

"Oh! Well then... Maybe he should just breathe in and out because it's sort of bothering the other staff." You heard the bell of the door ring.

"I have to take orders. My name's (Y/N) by the way."

The smaller troll shuffled in his seat. "I'M KARKAT VANTAS AND THE OTHER FUCKASS IS SOLLUX CAPTOR." You see the other troll kick him from under the table.

You gave them a friendly smile. "It was very nice to meet you." You then walk away.

Sollux looked over at Karkat, who was starting at the back of your head.

"2o... ii2 2he hot," he snaps his fingers like a diva,"or not?"

Karkat stared at the ground blushing.


Cue a new screaming argument.

Aradia Megido

You walked around your local park. It was a nice cloudy day and your friend/moirial told you about the wildlife near the awesome pond in the exact park you were in. You saw the small lake and ran. You were surprised to see a girl, a troll to be exact, playing with frogs. Now you didn't have any problems with trolls being on earth or seeing trolls, but that did not stop you from staring. You then notice the girl getting up and waving at you.

"Hell0 there! My name's Aradia Megid0! W0uld y0u like to sit here with me?!"

You blush at the troll. "S-sure!"

You run over to her and introduce yourself.

"Y0u have a pretty name. It suits y0u."

You felt butterflies in your stomach. After a few hours of playing near the pond you realize it was night.

"It was fun hanging out with you Aradia."

She smiled. "Likewise. D0 y0u want t0 hang 0ut again an0ther time?"

Returning a grin you stare at the Aries. "I'd love that."

You walk away leaving the female Alternian by herself. Aradia watches you go and whispers to herself,

"I th0ught death was beautiful but apparently there are 0ther things that g0 against it in vanity." She smiled then left.

Tavros Nitram

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