~ First Date (Post-Scratch) ~

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Karkat Vantas

Karkat had taken you out to dinner at a fancy restaurant. He wore a black tuxedo with a grey tie while you wore a (Favorite color) dress with (2nd favorite color) shoes (Or a suit if you don't like dresses).

The date went well... except for Karkat's continuous cursing, his extreme nervousness, and cliche romance tricks he had learned off his Rom Coms...

The date went smoothly as planned.

Aradia Megido

If you skip the fact of death and bugs and that you were in a cemetery, the date went perfectly.

Aradia had made an amazing picnic for the two of you, with the help of Sollux and Kanaya of course, and had held your hand throughout the whole dinner.

Tavros Nitram

Tavros took you out to see a play. It was a recreation of, you guess it, Peter Pan. He then took you to McDonald's and ordered 20 piece chicken nuggets for the both of you.

It was a cheap yet satisfying date.

Sollux Captor

A date with Sollux is not complete without an arcade... which was the place you both spent the whole time at.

The mustard blood had bought you a shit ton of tokens that you both wasted together on random games. A plus was that you meet his brother Mituna. He was a cutie.

He eventually had gotten you a stuffed toy bee, which you named Solly.

Nepeta Leijon

You and Nep helped out at a pet shelter. It wasn't the ideal date but you enjoyed watching the little Leijon playing with the kittens and pretending to be their mother.

Soon after Nepeta had snuck out a little black tabby that you soon named Pounce de Leon.

Kanaya Maryam

A friend of Kanaya's had given her two passes to a high rise fashion show.

Obviously she had taken you and had you dress in an attire most suited for the occasion. You two later on got a pizza and soda after the event since the food was so shitty.

Terezi Pyrope

There was a renaissance fair in town and Terezi had dragged you there.

You came dressed as a knight while she was a dragon. You two played games and ate mutton while at the same time held hands... since Terezi 'forgot' her cane at home.

Vriska Serket

Vriska took you to a casino.

Not the most romantic setting, especially since she almost dried the whole casino of it's cash. Well it wasn't much of a bad thing, if she wasn't using her eye to win.

You two literally ran for your lives after they found out that Vriska was cheating. They chased you for hours on end until you both found safety in her mother's ship.

Silver lining: you still had the cash.

Equius Zahhak

Equius took you to a horse ranch.

Surprisingly, he did not sweat at all. He only did when the horse you were petting at the moment huffed at him after he touched the stallion a bit too roughly.

Besides that, everything went swell.

Gamzee Makara

Gamzee took you to a carnival that was in your town.

The date was pretty fun... if you excused the constant barrage of kids coming to Gamzee asking for a picture. They were so aggravating that you had to drag the Indigo blood out before he had a chance to snap at some of the little runts, but not before winning you a small pig plushie that had a sewn in squeaker and was in his blood color. You also bought some permanent spray paint and painted its face like your matesprite.

You named it Hamzee.

Eridan Ampora

The violet blood had made you dinner at his hive. It wasn't as extravagant as you had expected from Eridan but you wouldn't have it any other way.

Besides his seahorse lusus telling him to 'give the bitch a whale!" and his secret room filled with empty buckets, you both had a splendid good time.

Feferi Peixes

You and Feferi decided to go to the local Aquarium and are now banned for a few weeks from it.

Apparently Feferi kept trying to swim with the tanks filled with colorful Caribbean fish. Management attempted to kick you both out until they realized that Feferi was the daughter of the Condescension and just kindly escorted you and the Heiress.

Silver lining, she got you a clown fish you named Nemo.

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