~Problems (Beta Kids + Alpha Kids)

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John Egbert

You and John were simply laying around when a small conversation soon turned into a giant argument.

"Why do you even think I always go to Dave's whenever we argue?" John sighs.

"Well excuse me for being very stressed for the safety of my matesprite." You hiss.

"I don't need you babying me! I can do without you!"

"Do you even love me at all?!" You scream.

"Maybe I don't!" He cried back at your face.

You still.

He covers his mouth.

After a few seconds of awkwardness he finally spoke, "(Y-Y-/n)..."

"Get out." You point to the door. "Get out now!"

He left hesitantly as you broke down in tears.

Rose Lalonde

You never really fought with Rose. Mostly because there was nothing to really argue.

You two would bicker but it would mostly lead to nice redrom sex.

No one understood how.

Mainly cause Author-chan had nothing. (Quiet you)

Dave Strider

Dave never really paid attention to you after you guys became a thing. This was about 4 months into the relationship that he began focusing on more important things, like his own comic, his raps, and anything he constituted as important.

"Dave..." You say from his bed.

"Mm?" He didn't take his hands off the keyboard.

'He must be typing his new album... For the fourth time.' You sigh. "Can we go somewhere?"

"I'm working babe. Also, you're not really cool enough to be seen with me. It's just a celebrity thing."

Your eyes became glassy. "Oh...okay." You stand up. "I'm leaving now."

"Okay babe." He shrugged.

'Of course he doesn't care.' You walk out.

Jade Harley

Like Rose, Jade and you had no problems whatsoever.

Her happy/cute demeanor just made it impossible.

Nice try Author-chan. (Shut up)

Jake English

Jake was always in love with adventure. Like seriously in love.

It was too the point were it was borderline obsession.

His hobby was becoming a problem due to the fact that he even forgot your very existence, always being away for so long, and just nearly getting himself killed in the process.

"Jake. We need to talk." You say.

He was getting ready for another adventure. "What is it love? Come now I've got a plane to catch."

Shuffling, you nod. "I... Don't want you to go on the adventure."

Jake raised a brow. "You think I'm gonna be long? Don't worry (y/n) dear! I'm not gonna die! I promise."

You cringe. "Please. I just want you here."

He grabbed his travel bag. "Golly! Look at the time! I'm already late! We'll speak about this problem in due time love."

He kissed your cheek then screamed his favorite catchphrase. 'Tallyho!"

You stand in your bedroom. "That's the problem... I'm not gonna be here."

Roxy Lalonde

Roxy's drinking.

It was your absolute problem within your relationship.

She'd either always tipsy or just asleep. It affected you to the point where you almost considered taking her to a clinic.

"Roxy you need to stop drinking. Or at least limit your amount." You grab the bottle away from her clutches.

"nuuuu. (y/n) pleaazzz. i promiss im fine." She tried to stand but failed miserably.

"Roxy please. You're embarrassing yourself." You can sense the eyes of the people around you.

"Caaaaame oooon.nn. i swear it. one lasst time??"

"No Rox. I want to leave." You scold her.

She scoffed. "u are leik sooooo boring! i swear im gonna dei from bein even near yu. just leave then god!"

You were speechless.

"Fine then I will."

You turned away, leaving Roxy to her partying.

Dirk Strider

Dirk was having trouble.

Since he and Jake, he's been struggling to find his sexuality.

Being who he was he found it much more difficult to comprehend, even though he was a Strider.

You decide to talk with him about it. "Dirk."

He looked up from his new machine. "Yeah babe?"

"We gotta talk."

He froze. "I kinda knew we had to."

"... Do you think you're gay?"

His orange eyes stared downcast. "I need some time to find myself."

You stood up and hugged him. He buried his head in your stomach and cried.

"My poor little Strider..." You whisper.

Jane Crocker

Jane always argued with you about baking and you with the weird clown guy with a boner but other than that it was all good.

Sorry for some of the characters

Had no inspiration for them and even if I did, I couldn't see any fights between them and (y/n).

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