~ Jealousy (Pre-Scratch)

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Kankri Vantas

Kankri would become incredibly triggered, his anxiety would rise while he'd be tweeting his whistle.

"I MUST ASK Y9U REFRAIN FR9M MY L9VER!" He screams angrily.

It's so loud Karkat would be jealous.

Damara Megido

Damara's sickingly sweet demeanor keeps many abay since she looks like the type to change emotion out of nowhere.

When you look away however she'd threaten them with decapitation, skinning, and erectile dysfunction.

Rufioh Nitram

Rufioh was calm about it. He knew they were doing it cause you're hot meaning he really hooked a great catch.

He still gets defensive if they touch you though.

Mituna Captor

Mituna always freaked out whenever someone complimented you which caused you to focus completely on him.

You'd hug him close, your back turned to the person who tried to flirt.

Mituna would stick out his tongue smiling and flip them off.

Meulin Leijon

Meulin would sign to you that she was feeling very ill so you'd have to go home or else she'd "throw up".

Then she would sign to the flirter, "FUCK OFF MY MEWSPRITE MOTHERFRICKER." Added with a flipping of the bird.

Porrim Maryam

Since you were dating Porrim a lot of douche bags would ask for threesomes or for you two to make out.

Porrim would smirk. "O+nly a man with a big co+ck co+uld ask that... To+o+ bad I do+n't see o+ne here."

Latula Pyrope

Latula would skate away quickly as the flirt is left in the dust.

"Suck 1t fuckb000001111111!!"

Aranea Serket

Like her younger sister, Aranea simply controlled the person and have them do the most embarrassing things.

Like one time, at your best friend's wedding, she made a guy who was uncomfortably close to you earlier yell during the mass:


Horuss Zahhak

Horuss smiles. All he did was smile.

You turn around and he'd take off his gloves crushing their hand and all he would do is smile.

Kurloz Makara

Kurloz made them incredibly terrified. Not only his appearance scared them but if they ever came close they'd see things so disturbing they shit their pants.

Cronus Ampora

Cronus would have his cool guy attitude but inside he was so all over the place Kankri tell him to stop being so triggered.

Although you weren't paying attention to them Cronus was still internally screaming. It'd take a few loving words and kisses to bring him back.

Meenah Peixes

Meenah brings out her trident when you plan on go out together. She says it's because it gets lonely but you know she's waiting to stick it up someone's ass.

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