11. The (S)witch

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The next day in history class, there was a definite sense of anger and confusion in the air. Riley and Elena were upset with Damon for what he did to Lexi, Caroline was pissed with Bonnie for not giving her the necklace back, and Bonnie herself looked... scared. That was the only way to describe it. And that's without mentioning the fact that Stefan hadn't even bothered to turn up.

As they all tried to appear less bored, tired and anxious than they were, a man walked into the room.

"Good morning everyone," he greeted the class, writing something on the board. "Alaric Saltzman," he continued, underlining his name and saying a bunch of things that no one was really listening to. "You can call me Ric. I'm your new history teacher."


By the end of class, no one was feeling any better about their lives, least of all Bonnie.

"Hey," Riley said when class was over, grabbing her as they left. "Is everything OK?"

Bonnie shrugged, the sleepless night that she'd just had taking its toll on her.

"What's wrong?" Elena asked, joining them with an equally worried look on her face.

"Do you guys believe in ghosts?" Bonnie asked, the serious look on her face stopping any joke answers that Riley would have come out with. "Because I think I'm being haunted."

"By who?" Elena asked. "Or... what?"

"My ancestor Emily," Bonnie answered, before looking at Riley. "I have to tell you something. But you have to swear that you won't tell anyone because I promised my Grams."

Thanks to the Salvatore brothers, Riley was becoming an excellent secret keeper.

"I won't. What is it?"

Bonnie took a deep breath, casting a glance around to make sure that no one was listening.

"This is gonna sound completely insane, but you have to trust me. My grams was right, I'm... a witch."

Bonnie waited for her friend to laugh, or quickly dismiss her claim. But to her surprise, Riley's eyes widened and she grabbed her wrist.

"That's insane," Riley said. "My great-grandmother, Gloria, was a witch."

"Are you serious?!" Bonnie gasped. Suddenly, she didn't feel so alone. "Are you?"

"Not as far as I know," Riley admitted. "My mom said that her mom rejected the witches, so we didn't get any powers."

"Can you do that?" Elena asked, looking from Bonnie to Riley and back.

"I think that, to reject it, I'd have to understand why Emily's haunting me." Bonnie touched the amber necklace that she was wearing. "This belonged to her. I think she's using it to communicate with me."

"That's creepy," Riley said under her breath.

"Right, you guys are sleeping at my place tonight," Elena instructed. "Caroline too. We'll get to the bottom of this, I promise." She smiled at Bonnie, who tried to mirror her smile. As much as she wanted to, Riley couldn't join them in pretending that everything was going to be OK. Because the truth was, ever since she'd heard the word 'vampire', she knew that everything in her life was about to change. Something bad was coming.


Later that evening, the four girls were at Elena's. After talking, Caroline and Bonnie had managed to make up, and Bonnie had revealed her supernatural nature. It was nice to know that there was one aspect of the supernatural world that none of the girls had to keep hiding from Caroline.

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