116. Un-Break My Heart

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"I can't believe you said all that," Caroline shook her head in disbelief. "Riles... you love him. Like, you love him."

Riley rolled her eyes. "I'm well aware of how I feel about Damon, Care. But it's not enough. Being in love with him isn't enough to make the mistakes and the hurt worth it. Not to mention the fact that every time I think about him, I get major flashbacks of him in a lip-lock with a girl who isn't me."

Caroline nodded solemnly. She completely understood where Riley was coming from, and if she could keep her sister out of the supernatural world entirely, then she would. But Riley and Damon had become so intertwined in each other's lives, it scared her to think about who they would become without each other.

Just then Ric came into Caroline's hospital room, sporting the eye-bags that only an extremely new father could pull off.

"Hey," he greeted them. "There's something I need to talk to you about."

Immediately, Caroline's body tensed. "What's going on?"

"I'm moving to Dallas. I'm leaving today."

Caroline's mouth fell open. "What? No. Ric, you still need a house, and a nanny, and the right school district!"

"I don't care," Ric shook his head vehemently. "After I saw their little faces yesterday, everything changed."

"Look, I get the whole 'wanting to leave town as soon as possible' thing," Riley allowed. "But does it have to be today? Because the Huntress is really far away chasing Stefan, and..." she trailed off when she saw the look on Ric's face – there was no changing his mind.

"I promised Jo that we'd leave town after we got married, and we all know how that turned out. I'm not making that mistake twice."

"Do you know how hard it is to travel with one newborn, let alone two?" Caroline reminded him. "Two car seats, two feeding schedules, crying in surround sound..."

"I get it, Caroline," Ric told her. "I know what I'm doing."

Riley scoffed. "Yeah, no offence, Ric, but you've been a father for about... 12 hours. Why don't you compromise by taking someone with you?"

"It's too late to hire anybody," he told her.

Riley shook her head, a small smile on her face. "I wasn't talking about hiring somebody." She gestured to her sister. "Why not take Caroline?"

They both looked at her in shock.

"I can't go with him!" Caroline said, trying to think of any excuse. She didn't want to get too close to Ric and the girls, because it would just remind her that they weren't actually her babies.

"You are the most organized, meticulous person I know," Riley reminded her sister. "You read all those books about taking care of babies, and Lizzie and Josie literally came out of your body. Name a better person!"

Ric tilted his head, as if he was seeing Caroline for the first time. "Yeah," he said finally. "You should come."

"I can't leave Mystic Falls," Caroline blurted out. "Everyone we know is here."

Riley rolled her eyes. "Tyler left ages ago, Stefan's on the run, Bonnie and I live at Whitmore... can you give me one reason why this isn't perfect?"

"Uh-" Caroline tried, but nothing would come out. Because she knew, more than anything, that she wasn't ready to let those babies go yet. "OK. OK, I'll come."

Ric leaned over and hugged her. "You're a lifesaver."

Riley smiled to herself, automatically correcting in her head. Caroline wasn't a lifesaver, she was a mother.

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