81. Bewitched

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When Riley got to the Grill for her shift, Damon, Tyler and Matt were already there. Damon was downing shot after shot of whatever alcohol Matt had given him.

"Where have I seen this before?" she asked rhetorically, tying her hair into a bun. "Oh right, the last time you broke up with Elena. I guess she didn't forgive you for killing Aaron?"

"No, she did not," he admitted morosely.

Matt smirked. "Can you blame her? Katherine takes over her body and you respond by killing her only friend at Whitmore."

"Thanks for the insightful reminder," Damon scoffed. "You're really street smart, for someone working behind that bar for, what is it, 3 years now?"

"At least he's not looking for answers at the bottom of a glass," Tyler interjected.

"Tyler Lockwood's now a life coach, despite running his own life into the ground. Perfect."

"You don't have to be snarky," Riley reprimanded him, taking the shot glass out of his hand. "And you've definitely had too many of these – it's not even midday. Can't you just talk to Stefan about this?"

"It's kind of difficult to explain to your brother that you just broke up with the former love of his life, and then broke the bed."

"Ew," Riley said under her breath.

"TMI," Tyler added, taking a swig from his own drink.

"Besides," Damon continued as if they hadn't spoken. "I don't need to talk to Stefan. Here, I have my best friend, and you two idiots."

Tyler looked at Riley with a raised eyebrow. "He's still your best friend?"

Riley frowned thoughtfully. "Damon has yet to grasp the concept of giving me time and space. Our friendship is still undetermined at the moment."

Damon rolled his eyes. "You haven't forgiven me yet?"

"No," Riley said firmly. "I'd say 'don't hold your breath', but passing out might do you some good right now."

"Stefan's probably your best option," Matt offered Damon his advice. "I'm only listening to you because I'm getting paid.

"He's off doing some research project with Caroline," Damon said, smirking at Tyler. "Don't worry, wolf boy, I'm sure they're just friends."

"They're definitely just friends," Riley reassured Tyler, hitting Damon's arm. "Don't be a dick."

The group were interrupted by a girl walking up to the bar. She had curly blonde hair, and a 'don't mess with me' look on her face.

"Bottle of gin," she said to Riley, holding up some money. "Let me see you break the seal."

All four of them looked at her with a mixture of confusion and curiosity.

"What can I say?" the girl asked. "I got trust issues."

Damon gave her a sardonic smile. "Well, pull up a chair, girl, tell the professionals your problems. Just talk slow and use small words."

Riley held up the bottle of gin, deliberately breaking the seal slowly so that the girl could see her do it.

"Thanks," she said to Riley, before answering Damon's request. "Never... ever. Bye."

They watched her walk away, all wondering different things about her, as Damon's phone rang.

"I hate to cut the session short, but unlike you guys, I have other places to be today." He stood up, threw some money down, and started to walk towards the door.

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