83. Cabin Fever

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Matt and Riley worked together, chaining Tyler to a set of pipes in the Salvatore cellar.

"So after you stabbed Liz with the passenger knife, a traveler called Julian attacked you and is currently hitching a ride inside your head," Riley said nonchalantly. She was beginning to wonder if anything would shock her anymore. "What did you find out?"

"I figured out why they wanted doppelganger blood," Tyler offered. "Markos came back from the dead, through Bonnie. He turned one of the travelers into a vampire, had her drink the blood, and cured her."

"Cured her?" Matt asked. "So she's not a vampire anymore?"

"No. She's dead," Tyler continued. "The blood took away her vampirism, but left her in the state that she was in just before she turned. They think that if they can get rid of all the magic, they'll break some lame-ass witch curse."

"But, if he gets rid of magic then everyone that's ever died will be dead," Riley said. "Vampires and hybrids will be dead, Jeremy won't be a hunter anymore, and witches won't be witches. Is that possible?"

"My guess is, it will be, once Markos gets his hands on Stefan and Elena," Tyler predicted.

Jeremy walked into the room, carrying a water bottle with a weird colored liquid inside.

"One part wolfsbane, one part vervain," he announced. "Altogether the dumbest idea that any of you have ever had."

"This was all Ty," Matt confirmed. Tyler knew that it would take a lot to make his passenger, Julian, compliant.

"These should hold," he said, tugging at the chains that were keeping him in place. "Let's do this."

"Not to be a total girl," Bonnie, who was standing in the doorway, muttered. "But I can't watch this. I'm gonna go upstairs."

They all watched Bonnie leave, and then turned back to Tyler.

"Let's do this," Matt repeated, reciting the command that he'd heard Nadia say before. "Vyjit."

Immediately, Tyler's eyes turned black, and when he blinked, someone else had taken over his body.

"Who are you? Where am I?"

"Where's Markos?" Matt asked.

"Go to hell," Julian spat.

Riley smirked at him. "That's the wrong answer. See, you're a passenger inside our friend, a hybrid. We have vervain, wolfsbane, and nowhere else to be. So you should probably start talking."

When he made it clear that he wasn't going to respond, Matt and Jeremy forced some of the vervain/wolfsbane concoction into his mouth. They heard the fizz as it burned him. He gagged.

"There's plenty more where that came from," Matt threatened. "Where's Markos?"

"Markos destroyed your only weapon against travelers like me," he reminded them.

Matt raised an eyebrow at Jeremy, before stabbing Julian in the stomach with a stake. He groaned in pain.

"Look, we can help you," Riley said. "Tell us where Markos is, and what he's planning, and we can make sure that he never finds you."

"I can't tell you where Markos is, because I don't know," Julian said. "But I can tell you where my body is."

"Why do we care?" Jeremy asked.

Julian looked around wildly. "Because Markos doesn't like problems. Knowing him, he's gonna want to get rid of Tyler for good by making this," he gestured to Tyler's body, "my body, permanently."

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