26. A Deal With The Devil

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"You've been... absent," Damon remarked when he and Riley entered the tomb. It had been two weeks since the masquerade ball and she'd put all of her energy into looking after her mom.

She reeled off the events that she'd missed, counting them on her fingers. "Well, between Elena's 'suicide' mission, that Rose girl, the new 'original' vampires Elijah and Klaus, and Stefan getting himself stuck in the tomb, I was happy to miss out on all the fun."

The biggest piece of news came in the form of Katherine's warning about Elena. Apparently, her being a doppelganger meant that she was on a lot of vampire's 'most wanted' lists.

They walked to the door of the tomb to see Stefan waiting for them. He'd become trapped in the tomb alongside Katherine.

"What the hell did you do?" Riley asked him, trying to sound sympathetic.

He shrugged, frowning. "It was this, or she'd kill Jeremy," he said. "I had no choice."

"I get it," she responded, knowing that she'd probably have done the same thing for the sibling of someone she loved. "But your timing sucks. I mean, Elena's trying to offer herself to some ancient vampire called Klaus – it's insanity!"

"Yeah, what are you doing about that, by the way?" Stefan asked Damon, concerned that he was stuck in the tomb while his girlfriend tried to sell her soul to the devil.

"She can't get out of the house," Damon said, before smirking. "Bennett witches and their spells."

"You trapped her in the house?" Stefan scolded.

"You three are surprisingly calm," Katherine said from further inside the tomb. She'd been starving for so long that her voice sounded like it was coated in gravel. "Considering Klaus will hunt you down and kill you if you mess with his little plan."

"I've been dead before," Damon shrugged. "I got over it."

"You two should leave," Stefan instructed. "Just... make sure Elena's safe."

Damon nodded, and they left him in the tomb.

"Think he'll be OK?" Riley asked curiously.

"Right now, yeah. If he finds out that Elijah, the 'original' douche, wants Elena... not so much."


"This is humiliating," Elena frowned with crossed arms. Riley chuckled and sat next to her on her couch.

"Stop trying to kill yourself," Riley demanded. "I mean, why Elena?"

Elena sighed. "According to Rose, and Katherine, Klaus will be more than willing to kill everyone I love to get to me. I don't want people to die."

Rose was an old vampire who'd had some experience dealing with the 'original' vampires that were so obsessed with Elena.

Riley nodded, immediately understanding. "But why does he want you? And what is an Original vampire anyway?"

"Where's Bonnie?" Jeremy interrupted, alerting them all to his presence.

"Moonstone duty," Damon answered. "And Vampire Barbie's on full moon duty with Tyler Lockwood."

Elena frowned. "Tonight's the full moon?" she asked.

"Tyler's a werewolf?" Riley asked at the same time, feeling guilty about how out-of-the-loop she was. "I thought he had to kill someone for that to happen?"

"One question at a time," Damon said, as Riley's phone began to ring. She answered immediately.

"Dad, what's up?"

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