86. Love Me or Grieve Me

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'Dear Mom.

It's been almost four months of writing emails to you, knowing that you're never going to see them. How sad is that?

Anyway, let's recap on my week. I officially started classes at Whitmore on Monday. I'm following in Ric's footsteps and becoming a teacher! I even picked my major, though I'm only a freshman. I'm gonna get a bachelor's degree in math, with an education minor. Dad and Liz are really happy about it, and I think you would be too.

Which means that I no longer live at home. When I have to be on campus, I room with Elena in the Whitmore dorm that she used to share with Caroline and Bonnie. And when I'm not on campus, Caroline and I got our own apartment, just outside of Mystic Falls. In fact, we signed the lease this morning! It wasn't her first choice, but she liked that it's on the border. The traveler spell is still present at home, so the vampires can't get in without dying.

Speaking of vampires, did I already mention that Ric's back? It sucks that he could come back and you can't, but it's nice to see him again after all this time. He's actually a professor at Whitmore now, which means that I see him all the time. Not that he actually teaches me, but his office is a great place to hide from prying eyes.

To be honest, I don't really know what everyone else has been doing. Between house hunting, studying, and Enzo, I've been keeping myself pretty busy. Of course, I'm not too busy to miss you and Bonnie. I miss you guys like crazy. I spent the first few weeks trying to find a way to bring you back, mom. But you were human, and after a while, I had to let it go and hope that you'd found peace. We all lost a lot that day.'

Riley stopped typing and softly stroked the picture of her and her mom that sat on her new desk. The front door bell interrupted her thoughts.

'Anyway, I should go, but I'll write again next week. Love you, mom.'

She already knew who was at the door before answering it.

"Hey, you," she smiled, opening the door widely.

"Hello, darling," Enzo gave her his usual greeting, trying to walk into the house. However, he was blocked by an invisible barrier. Riley slapped her palm on her forehead.

"Right, we signed the lease today. I have to invite you in," she remembered. "Enzo, please come in."

He gladly stepped over the threshold.

"So what are we doing today?" he asked. "Because I have some leads-"

She held her hand up, cutting him off mid-sentence.

"Forget the leads. Take your pants off," she commanded.

He grinned. "You don't have to tell me twice."

She grabbed him and pulled him in for a kiss. Like every other time they'd kissed, it quickly turned into a passionate make-out session.

They could only make it as far as the couch, collapsing on it as soon as possible. Riley climbed on top of him, removing his shirt, and then her own. They were so engrossed in each other's mouths that they didn't notice Caroline walk through the front door.

"Ew!" she shrieked loudly, catching their attention.

"Oops. Busted," Enzo whispered in Riley's ear. She giggled, not making any effort to change her position.

"Enzo, out!" Caroline huffed, pointing at the front door.

He grabbed his shirt obediently. "Until next time."

Riley waved him out, putting her own shirt back on while mentally preparing for a rant from her sister. Unsurprisingly, she delivered.

"What? I was gone so you thought you'd christen the new couch?!" Caroline asked incredulously. "Look, I get that you and Enzo have been... hanging out... or dating, but you can't-"

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