74. My Best Friend's Weapon

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"So you go from an asshole Original boyfriend, to a vampire-hating murderous one?" Damon asked Riley as they made their way to the Salvatore house, having failed to find Elena.

"Aaron isn't my boyfriend," Riley said emphatically. "And he's not responsible for what Dr. Bio is doing, don't put that on him."

"He's not your boyfriend?" Damon asked sarcastically as they pulled up outside the house. "Does that mean you guys haven't..."

It took Riley a second to work out what he meant, and when she did, her face screwed up in disgust. "I'm not having this conversation with you!"

Damon rolled his eyes. "Come on! Isn't sharing sleazy sex stories one of the perks of having a best friend?"

She sighed, shaking her head. "Fine. No, we haven't... gone there yet. And for the record, I never went there with Elijah either."

Damon opened the door to the Salvatore house. "Well... good. The guy was worthless, Fletch," he reminded her, as a familiar face stood in the doorway. "Speaking of worthless..."

Katherine gave Damon the once-over, taking in the blood on his neck.

"What the hell happened to you?"

Damon ignored her, stepping into the house.

"It's a long shot, but is Elena here?" Riley asked the vampire-turned-human.

Katherine shrugged. "I haven't seen her. And Stefan hasn't seen her either. I know because we were together... all night."

Riley and Damon looked at each other, confusion and disgust mirrored on each other's faces.

"Look, I've had a really crappy couple days, okay? If you're implying what I think you're implying-"

"Talk about sleazy sex stories," Riley mumbled under her breath.

"Our hot naked bodies collided in one unforgettable night of passion," Katherine gave the clarification that no one was looking for.

"I'm gonna barf," Damon complained, genuinely looking like he was about to need a sick bucket.

"Great, then my work here is done," Katherine said with a satisfied smirk, waving at them. "Too-do-loo."

As she shut the door, Riley turned back to Damon. "Is your brother on drugs?"

The same thought had crossed Damon's mind. "Let's find out."

He took the stairs two at a time, and Riley followed, trying to keep up as best she could. When they got to Stefan's room, he was thankfully fully dressed.

He looked up in surprise when they entered.

"Where the hell have you been?" he addressed Damon.

"Oh, you know... being held against my will, shot in the head, now I can't find Elena."

At the mention of Elena, Stefan's head snapped up. "What do you mean you can't find Elena?"

"Considering she's not in the Whitmore House basement, her dorm room, on campus at all, or here, we think Dr. Bio still has her... somewhere," Riley retraced their footsteps.

"You think the Whitmore bio teacher kidnapped Elena?" Stefan asked incredulously, looking from Riley to Damon and back again.

"He... tortures vampires. It's a long story," Riley clarified, ignoring the stunned look on his face. There really was no casual way to mention torture.

"I have an idea," Damon said thoughtfully, staring at Riley. "By any chance, do you know where your not-boyfriend is?"


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