75. Days of Future Past

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Riley was cleaning the bar at the Grill the next morning. A content smile was on her face as she thought about the night before, despite the fact that Damon was sitting with his head resting on the counter and a bottle of bourbon at his side. Caroline had already sent her a text early that morning to explain exactly what the problem was.

"What the hell?" she heard a voice ask. Turning quickly, she saw her morning-shift co-workers, Matt and Jeremy, watching Damon with faces of surprise.

"It's one of those days," Riley informed them, flipping the lights on. "He dumped Elena."

They both tilted their heads to the side, like cute confused puppies.

"Who spends two years pining after a girl, to dump her?" Matt asked.

"I can hear you, dumbass," Damon said, not lifting his head from the bar. They were the first words that Riley had heard him say all morning.

After a second, his phone started ringing. Of course, the mood he was in meant that he didn't want to talk to anyone. Riley searched his pockets, found the phone, and answered Stefan's call.

"It's not a good time," she informed the younger Salvatore. "Your brother is practically comatose."

"Then you can tell him," Stefan said on the other end. There was a slight sadness to his tone that immediately made her feel on edge. "Katherine's dying."

Riley was stunned into silence. Was it really possible? Could the once-immortal baddest bitch alive really be about to croak?

"Hey," she said loudly, nudging Damon with her finger. "You need to get up."

"Why?" Damon asked, annoyance filling his tone.

"Because." She smiled at Matt and Jeremy. "We're having a party."


"Rule number one," Damon started, pouring alcohol into the many shot glasses that sat in front of him. He may have been down about Elena, but hearing about Katherine perked him right up. "Name the worst thing Katherine Pierce has ever done to you. Rule number two: Toast to the glory of her impending death. Rule number three: If you come across something that's worse, which you will, repeat rules one and two. She pretended to be buried in a tomb for 145 years, while I waited for her lying ass."

He took a shot and downed it. Then he held one out to Matt.

"Quarterback, go."

Matt hesitated for a moment, giving Damon time to pass the shot to Riley.

"Fletch, go."

"Um," Riley racked her brain. "She kidnapped me and took me to Chicago so that she could murder my great-grandmother in cold blood, right in front of me."

Without drinking the shot, she passed it to Jeremy, joining in with Damon's game.

"Little Gilbert, go."

"She fed me to Silas and I died," Jeremy added. Obviously he didn't have to think too hard to remember that one. "Then she made me crash my car into a pole and left me to die... again."

"Double doozy," Damon said.

Riley leaned over and passed him another shot. "That means two drinks."

Matt piped up, remembering the worst thing that had happened to him because of Katherine. "My sister's dead because of her."

"Yes she is," Damon agreed. "Because I wouldn't have even been in town to turn Vicki into a murderous vampire if I wasn't trying to get Katherine out of a tomb she wasn't in."

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