98. Death at a Funeral

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"You've all asked what you can do to help," Caroline said, holding a to-do list in her hands. Her mother had died less than 24 hours ago and she was already prepared to lay her to rest. Around her sat Riley, Elena, Stefan, Tyler and Matt. Damon was working on the eulogy that Liz had asked him to write, knowing that her husband would find it too hard. "There are five days' worth of projects on here – we are going to do them in one," the blonde vampire announced. "I expect my mom to be properly celebrated and buried by the end of the day."

"Sure, Care," Matt said sympathetically. "Whatever you need."

The others nodded in agreement, willing to do anything to make Caroline's day run as smoothly as possible.

Caroline handed the list to Stefan. "Riles and I are going casket shopping. If there's any problems, call me. If I don't answer, call Riley. Everyone good?" Everyone nodded. "Let's move."

Riley wished that the experience of casket shopping was something that she'd never had to do before, but thanks to her mom, she was all too familiar with this part of the death process.

"Which kind did we get for your mom?" Caroline asked, running her hand over one of metal coffins.

Riley frowned, trying to remember. "Um... mahogany, I think. Wow, I can't believe it's been 8 months since she died."

"I know," Caroline nodded. "It was a... nice funeral."

Riley scoffed. "Yeah, full of people I'd never met before and doctors telling me how much my mom meant to them, and how amazing she was, and how they 'so regretted' not being in touch with her for the last 15 years." She rolled her eyes. "Your mom's will be better."

Caroline frowned. "How do you know?"

"Because she's Liz Forbes," she answered. "She lived in this town for years and she did so much good here. Everyone that comes to her funeral is gonna come because they respected the woman she was. Not because they feel obligated."

Caroline smiled, taking Riley's hand and squeezing it for a moment, before focusing back on the task at hand.

Riley cleared her throat, broaching a topic that she'd been trying to bring up for days, to no avail. "Care... you know we're still sisters, right?"

Caroline stopped walking and faced her. "Of course we're still sisters. Riley, you and your dad are my family, and you always will be." The girls smiled at each other. "And as my sister, I reserve the right to not be judged when I tell you something..."

"No judgement," Riley promised. "What's up?"

Caroline looked around, anywhere but at her sister. "I kissed Stefan. I want to talk to him about it, but if it's bad, I feel like he won't be honest. You know, not today."

Riley took a second to rearrange her features into a non-judgmental expression before she answered. "No one in their right mind would want to upset someone on the day of their mother's funeral, especially Stefan. So why not just wait until tomorrow to talk to him?"

Caroline immediately shook her head. "It has to be today."

The determination in her voice stopped Riley from protesting. "OK. But then you have to be prepared for whatever he has to say. And just so you know, I'm in no position to judge you. Damon and I... also kissed."

For a second, thoughts her mother's funeral and casket shopping were pushed to the back of Caroline's mind. Her eyes widened and her hands covered her mouth. Then she repeated Riley's actions of trying to look less shocked. "So... are you guys together now?"

Riley sighed. "Nope. You can't trust feelings that come out of grief. Our emotions were all over the place and we needed comfort. After today, everything will go back to normal."

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