100. Meet The Parent

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Riley let herself into the Salvatore house, as she'd done countless times before. After receiving nothing but a short, brief text from Damon reassuring her that he hadn't been trapped in 1903, she was curious to know just how successful his trip had been. And after hearing from Elena that Caroline had forced Stefan to turn his humanity off alongside her, Riley thought that being around Damon was probably the best place she could be.

"Hello? Anyone home?" she called. The house was eerily quiet, the quietest she'd ever known it. Until suddenly, she heard footsteps making their way from the kitchen into the foyer to greet her.

"Hello," a woman said. Riley had never seen her before, but her welcoming smile put the human girl somewhat at ease. "Are you looking for my son?"

"Your son?" Riley asked, her eyebrows raised. "Oh my God, you're... Damon and Stefan's mom?"

"I am," the woman smiled, taking her hand and shaking it. "Please call me Lily. And you are?"

"I'm Riley," she introduced herself. "Damon's friend."

At the mention of his name, Damon sauntered down the stairs and caught sight of the two women. His face went from slightly happy to incredibly annoyed in a matter of seconds.

"Mom, this is a human," Damon said, putting his hands on Riley's shoulders. Her eyes widened as she understood that Lily was, in fact, not human. "You know how to behave around one without ripping her head off, right?"

The pleasant smile didn't leave Lily's face as she answered. "Riley, would you like to have breakfast with us?"

Damon frowned. "No, she wouldn't!" His grip on her shoulders tightened. "Here Fletch, let me walk you out."

Lily's smile faltered as she turned and walked back into the kitchen. Riley frowned sympathetically.

"Damon, she's sad," she told him, a guilty look on her face. "Are we gonna talk about what she did to make you treat her like that?"

"Let's talk about you introducing yourself as my 'friend'," Damon changed the subject. "I mean, really? Not even best friend?"

Riley raised an eyebrow. "Oh, you're right Damon. The next time one of your parents comes back from the dead, I'll introduce myself as the best friend that you've kissed three times."

"Um, you kissed me all of those times," Damon reminded her, a smirk creeping onto his face. "Not that I'm complaining..." He leaned down to kiss her, but she pushed him back.

"Don't do that," she told him. "You do realize that your brother and my sister are rampaging without humanity, right?"

Damon sighed, puckering his lips like a petulant child. Riley couldn't help but smile. Maybe it was the fact that his mother was in the house, but she'd never seen Damon more childlike. He put a hand on her cheek. "Are you saying that, when we get their humanity back, you'll be willing to think about us?"

She leaned up, as if she was going to kiss him. "I'm saying, if you don't let me have breakfast with your mom, then you won't be getting a kiss from me again."

Damon groaned, but didn't protest as she walked into the kitchen and sat at the table, where Lily was serving three plates of food.

"This was always Damon's favorite," Lily announced, the smile back on her face. "'Eggie in Baskie'"

Damon sat down beside Riley and took a bite of the food. "Doesn't taste like I remember."

Riley rolled her eyes, tucking into the delicious food. Lily sat across from them, looking at her son.

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