115. Gone Baby Gone

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'Dear Elena,

It's ironic that I only started writing to you after you died. Not that it matters now.

I could pretend that I'm writing to you to share the good news, that Stefan and Valerie finally killed Julian last night. Or the bad news, that there's a vampire hunter called Rayna Cruz on the loose. The last time I saw her, she was 80 and senile, but Enzo stole her body, which might mean that he can bring the true Huntress out of her.

But instead, I'm using you to vent, and I'm really sorry for that. Because even though you're never gonna read it, I don't want you to remember me as the miserable girl you used to know. But since talking to you means not actually having to talk, you're the only person that I want to talk about this with.

Damon and I broke up.

I'll spare you the gory details – mostly because I don't want to have to think about what he did, let alone write it down, but that's it, we're done. Is it crazy that saying those words to him, even after what he did to you and to me, was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do?

I just wish there was a magical switch that could make you fall out of love with somebody. I mean, we've used magic to bring people back from the dead, Caroline's babies are using magic to siphon the vampirism out of her... shouldn't there be a magic anti-love spell?

Because I could really use one right now.'

"I compelled the doctors to ignore all the things medicine couldn't explain," Stefan said, joining Riley outside Caroline's hospital room, where the doctors were preparing to perform a C-section.

"Good," Riley said in response. "The quicker they get those babies out, the better."

Stefan sighed, running a weary hand through his hair. "How long did you know... about Elena?"

Riley shrugged, her eyes still on Caroline. "He told me the day of the baby shower," she said. "He said he was hallucinating, because of the Hell Stone."

"I was trying to figure out a way to tell Caroline," Stefan responded. "And I just couldn't find the words."

"I don't blame you," Riley said in a low voice. "The last thing she needs to hear about right now is how messed up your brother is."

Hearing her detached tone towards Damon caught Stefan slightly off guard, but he didn't press the issue. All he could think about was his girlfriend lying in a hospital bed.

"I compelled a doctor to shut down this entire wing," Valerie said, walking up to them. "Didn't want a vampire C-section to draw too much attention."

"You say that so casually. It's almost like this isn't a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence," Riley mumbled. Vampires? Completely casual. C-sections? She was the daughter of a doctor so again, she knew a lot about them. But combining the two? There was a part of her that felt like anything and everything could go wrong.

They watched intently as the doctors started performing the procedure. The doctor grabbed a scalpel and tried to cut into Caroline's body, but as soon as she made an incision, the heart rate monitors started beeping incessantly, signifying that both the babies, and Caroline, were in danger. Then without warning, the scalpel flew out of the doctor's hand and onto the ground.

"What the hell was that?" Stefan asked worriedly.

Trying to appear unperturbed, the doctor reached for more surgical tools. But this time, all of the tools clattered onto the ground without being touched. She bent down and tried to pick them up.

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