60. The Hybrid, the Witch, and the Massacre

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"And on top of that, there's vervain in the town's water supply!" Caroline finished an extremely long list of complaints. "Are you listening to me? Riley?"

"Huh?" Riley asked, Caroline's voice jolting her out of her thoughts. She'd been lounging on the couch in the Salvatore house, re-reading the last text that she'd received from Damon.

Blue-Eyes: Chilling in your hometown – any locals you want me to eat?

"Why are they in New York?" she asked Caroline. "Can't Elena exercise her no-humanity-ness somewhere else?"

"Look, if she's in New York then that means we don't have to worry about her," Caroline said thankfully. "Instead, we have to worry about the new mayor with his vervain, and Tyler leaving, and Bonnie's expression triangle thing, and the fact that Katherine has the cure. And then there's our biggest worry, that Silas might have followed them back from the island!"

Riley sighed, blowing a piece of brunette hair out of her face. According to the information that they'd found out, Silas was an immortal being that was buried with the cure by an old witch. Along with Katherine, he was the reason that Jeremy was dead. "OK, one thing at a time."

Caroline shook her head. "We have no time."

The front door opened abruptly and Klaus walked in. Both girls looked at him with disapproval and annoyance. He had a slight smile on his face, which only annoyed both of them further.

"Shouldn't you be out chasing Tyler to the ends of the earth?" Caroline asked him, not that she needed another thing to worry about. "He gave Matt the deed to the house, so he's gone for good. Thanks!"

"Tyler made it his life's mission to kill me," Klaus reminded her, walking towards them. "You can't hate me for driving him away."

"Oh, she can," Riley smirked. "You're not a good guy, Klaus, everyone hates you. Don't you get that yet?"

"It's funny that you're brave when you've got a vampire by your side," Klaus smirked at her. "I wonder, would this bravery hold if you were alone?"

Riley rolled her eyes. "I'm human. Not stupid."

"Just go, Klaus," Caroline retorted, frustration filling her tone. He gave her a look that she didn't understand, but before she could question it, Stefan walked in.

"Actually, I asked him to be here. I told him about Silas."

"If Silas is in Mystic Falls, I'm struggling to see how this affects me," Klaus wondered aloud. He was the Original Hybrid. He didn't know much about this Silas person, but he knew that he was safe from death.

"Silas wants to die and be reunited with his one true love, but he's supernatural, so while the Other Side exists, he can't," Stefan informed them. "His only choice is to destroy the Other Side altogether."

Riley frowned, putting two and two together with the information that Damon had given them about Bonnie. "And if he does that, every dead supernatural being will return to our side. Every werewolf, witch, vampire..."

Caroline turned to Klaus, amused. "I wonder how many of those you've personally killed. Care yet?"

Klaus was still smiling as he answered. "How do we stop him?"

"Bonnie said that Silas needs three massacres to do the spell," Stefan told Klaus.

Riley counted them off on her fingers. "The 12 people at the Young farm, the 12 hybrids... so they need one more."

Caroline nodded. "We need to find him."


They decided to look for their information in Professor Shane's office. He was the one who had orchestrated the explosion at the Young farm, which meant he was working for/with Silas in some way. Because of this, it made sense that he would have more information about where the immortal could be.

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