87. Forget Me Not

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Riley moaned as Enzo kissed her neck, then her jawline, then her lips, then her neck again, repeatedly.

"Caroline's gonna be home any second," she warned him breathlessly. Not that she particularly cared what anyone thought, but if there was one person that she should avoid pissing off, it was the person that she lived with.

"Ooh, think she'd want to join us?" Enzo joked between kisses.

Riley ignored him, solely concentrating on the feel of his lips on hers. Concentrating so deeply, that she didn't hear the front door open and shut until Caroline was outside her bedroom.

"You better both have clothes on!" she called, opening the door and standing by it with her arms crossed. Although this time, her disapproving look was focused on Enzo.

"Never heard of knocking?" Riley asked, pulling the blanket around her more securely.

"I just met with Alaric," Caroline said, ignoring her. "He said that Stefan hasn't been doing anything to help us get Bonnie and Damon back. But apparently, someone else has." She raised an eyebrow at Enzo, then looked at Riley. "Did you know what he was doing?"

Riley shrugged. "I knew he was looking. But it's not like they're actually gonna find anything."

Caroline scoffed. "Oh really? So what's this about the Gemini Coven?"

Riley sat up in bed and stared at Enzo. "Did you find something?"

Enzo grinned at the girls, proud to be the fount of all knowledge. "I may know some witches who know some witches. Why do you ask?"

Caroline rolled her eyes. "Take me to them," she demanded. "Enzo, if you know anything that can bring them back, you have to tell me. Elena's been hallucinating her dead boyfriend, Jeremy's a drunk, Stefan's AWOL and Riley's sleeping with you – clearly we're desperate!"

Enzo sighed. He'd spent the last four months searching while the rest of them were doing nothing, because he refused to accept the fact that his best friend was gone. But more than that, he didn't understand why he was the only one doing anything.

"You think we can get them back?" Riley asked slowly. She'd ignored Enzo every time he'd mentioned finding a lead because she couldn't allow herself to have hope. For the first month after she'd lost them, she didn't even recognize herself. She couldn't get out of bed, Caroline had to remind her to eat. She'd never seen such worry in her dad's eyes, and she thought that she'd never be able to pull herself out of that. The only way she could do it was to shut him out. To stop saying his name, to ignore all thoughts of him until they stopped appearing. Her time in the crypt once or twice a month was the only place where she allowed herself to let him back in, and even then, she didn't let him stay for long. She wouldn't turn into that version of herself ever again.

"I think we have a shot," Caroline said honestly.

Riley nodded. "Then I'm coming with you."

"It's probably a false lead," Enzo told her. "Don't get your hopes up."

Riley rolled her eyes. "I don't expect to see Bonnie or-" she caught herself. "I don't expect to see them ever again. But if there's even the smallest chance, I'm coming."

"Well then," Caroline smiled a genuine smile. "What are we waiting for?"


"You're doing what?!" Caroline asked, outraged. She, Riley and Enzo were driving in the direction that Enzo said would lead them to the Gemini coven. On the phone, Elena was telling them how she planned to get over Damon.

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