127. The Devil's Advocate

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Bonnie: Hey. No one's heard from you since yesterday, is everything okay?

Stefan: Call someone when you see this, we need to know that you're safe.

Enzo: Riles, everyone's freaking out. Please tell me that you lost track of time and have no reception. Because the only other option is that you've been kidnapped by the Siren and... look, just call me, okay?

Ric: Sybil broke out of the Armory and her, Seline and Damon are nowhere to be found. If you're with them, please don't let them hurt the girls.

Care: Are you okay?

Care: Seline took the girls, and I don't think I could cope if she took you too. Please call me back and tell me that I'm overreacting.

Care: Everyone's telling me not to worry, but all that does it make me worry more.

Care: I know that they took you. It's not a coincidence that you, and them, disappeared at the same time.

Care: Riles, I know you're probably not even seeing these messages. But we are out looking right now, and we are gonna find you. I promise.

Care: If any of them even tries to lay a hand on you, I'm gonna rip their hearts out. Damon included.

"I'm not sacrificing them!" Seline said, almost as if she was offended by the accusation. "I'm offering them. If Cade accepts Lizzie and Josie as his new missionaries, Sybil and I are free."

"Here's what I don't get," Damon responded. "Why would Cade want the wonder twins instead of you? They're toddlers."

Seline sighed. "I had a plan, obviously. But then someone broke out and blew my cover."

"Oh, I'm sorry," Sybil said sarcastically. "Did my freedom ruin your idiotic plan for these two children?"

The sisters began to bicker, each blaming the other for their all their problems.

"Look," Damon interrupted them. "I have been with you for roughly five hours, and in that time you've almost been captured by the bumbling human authorities, not once, but twice. So let's do this. Tell me what we need to summon the devil."

Seline laughed. "I'm not telling you."

However, her sister cut her off, much to her annoyance. "A body of water, a couple of human bodies-"

Damon cut her off excitedly. "Perfect! We have a pool, we have some residents... ah, and look! Free HBO."

"Are you dense?" Seline asked harshly. "If all we needed was some water and a dead body or two, I could have summoned Cade and ended this centuries ago."

Damon's voice was confused when he next spoke. "So, what else do you need?"

Seline waited for a moment before speaking, causing her words to have more of a dramatic impact. "We need a descendant of the devil."

"Not just any descendant," Sybil cut in. "Cade picked her many many years ago, before he even knew the two of us. All we knew was her name, and the fact that she was a psychic, like him. And apparently, my sister has found her."

Damon's voice sounded unconvinced. "So you've kidnapped a random girl and convinced yourself that she's the one person in the world that you need to summon 'el diablo'?"

Seline laughed a humorless laugh. "You think I've taken this lightly? I searched for her for years, I read all the legends, I found out everything that I could about her."

"How did you do that?" Damon asked, still doubtful.

"It was easy," Seline said, sounding almost proud of herself. "She's the only person I've ever come across whose mind I can't get into, who remains unaffected by my siren calls. I found her, became friends, and then a year later, I offered to join her in Mystic Falls as a babysitter for Lizzie and Josie. It just so happens, our missing ingredient is their aunt... how ironic is that?"

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