113. Drag Me to Hell

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Blue-Eyes: I am so sorry

Blue-Eyes: I thought I was still stuck in the stone, I didn't know what I was doing

Blue-Eyes: Please pick up your phone, I need to hear your voice

Blue-Eyes: Or better yet, tell me where you are. I have to see you

Blue-Eyes: Fletch, please talk to me. I need you

Blue-Eyes: You can't ignore me forever

Blue-Eyes: I love you

"OK, we have drinks, diapers and tons of baby food, what else do we need?" Riley asked Caroline, dropping a box on the counter.

Caroline checked some items off of her 'Baby Shower' to-do list. "I think everything's done. Oh, except your phone's been going crazy and I definitely haven't looked at any of the texts... especially the last one that says 'I love you'," she said, grinning sheepishly. Riley sighed, putting her phone on silent and slipping it into her back pocket.

"What time do the games start?" she asked, ignoring her sister's expression.

"Don't change the subject!" Caroline scolded her. "Look, normally I'm not one to defend Damon, but he thought he was still in the Phoenix Stone. Can you really blame him for that?"

Riley looked down, the unread messages burning a hole in her back pocket. "I don't blame him, Care. I've spent five weeks researching my connection to the stone and found nothing. Oscar and Julian were terrified of me when they got out of the stone, and Stefan attacked me! So when Damon freaked out, I freaked out too."

Caroline's nodded, understanding. "You're scared of him."

"No," Riley immediately denied. "I could never be scared of Damon. I'm scared of what he saw in the stone. He was in there for longer than Stefan, we don't know how being out is affecting him. What if he wants to kill me, like Julian did?"

"Uh, he just told you he loves you!" Caroline reminded her. "Riles, I feel bad for the guy. You can't avoid him forever."

Riley knew that she was right, that choosing to ignore Damon's messages was irrational. But instead, she focused on something more important.

"Can we stop talking about me and start talking about my nieces!" she squealed, laying a hand on Caroline's bump. "I can't believe you're actually gonna bring life into the world!"

They walked into the main room, where guests were mingling and drinking alcohol out of baby bottles.

"Don't remind me," Caroline said sadly. She was incredibly happy that she could have the babies for Ric, but part of her wished that labor would never come, just so that she wouldn't have to give them up.

"Hey guys," Ric said, coming over to them. "Caroline, I have to thank you for this party. I think I have enough diapers to see the girls through their entire baby-lives."

"Well, you're welcome," Caroline smiled easily. "As long as you understand, once these babies are born, I will not be on-call 24/7 to burp and bathe and feed and diaper..."

"I get it, Caroline," Ric said sincerely. "I don't expect that to be your problem." Then he gave her a sly smile. "Did you ask her yet?"

Caroline shook her head. "I thought you should. They're yours, after all."

Riley raised her eyebrows.

"Riley," Ric started. "Caroline and I were talking, you know about the babies, and the future... and we wanted to know if you'd be the twins' godmother?"

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