131. Rewrite the Stars

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Riley giggled as Damon kissed her neck repeatedly, playfully pushing him away from her.

"Look, as fun as this is, we still have stuff to deal with today. Like your brother."

Damon rolled his eyes. "We've turned his humanity on hundreds of times. It'll be a piece of cake."

Riley sat up in the bed. "It's not just about his humanity. What about Cade?"

"Have you heard from Cade lately?" Damon asked her rhetorically. "I haven't. So, we turn Stefan's humanity back on, and when the guy finds a way to reach us, we offer a different deal."

Riley sighed. "And what if he says no? What if he gets pissed at you guys for not following through and then he kills you?"

"That's not gonna happen."

"It's what I would do," Riley admitted. "Which is something that I get from my ancestor... Cade." She flipped over onto her front, lying back down with her face in the pillow. "Are you sure you wanna date the devil's spawn?" Her voice was muffled, but he still heard her clearly.

"Well... I'm kind of in love with her, so it would be pretty hard not to." She giggled and he pulled her into him. She lay her head on his bare chest. "You being related to Cade doesn't change anything."

"Yeah, it does," Riley disagreed. "It changes everything that I thought about myself. How can I be a good person when I'm related to... evil?"

Damon kissed the top of her head. "Who cares who you're related to? Fletch, you're a good person because of the things that you do... not because you're related to a Disney movie villain."

Riley smiled and nodded, knowing that he was right. Plus, having a mystical creature looking over you and keeping you from dying, for the most part, wasn't necessarily a bad thing.

Reluctantly, Riley pulled herself out of his grip and he groaned.

"Come back to bed," he urged, reaching out for her. She playfully batted his hands away, laughing.

"You can lie in bed all day if you want," she said, pulling on her clothes from the day before. "But some of us have responsibilities... like breakfast."

She leaned over him and gave him a quick kiss (which turned into two or three kisses) and walked down the stairs, noticing that there was a definite spring in her step. Clearly having Damon back agreed with her.

As she walked into the kitchen, someone put their hand over her mouth and grabbed her tightly. She tried to scream.

"Make a noise and I'll rip your spleen out," Stefan's voice said in her ear. She tried to fight him off, but he was too strong. Dragging her down to the cellar was easy, he barely registered her attempts to get away. When they got there, he let her go.

"What the hell are you doing?!" she asked angrily. "How did you even get out of here?"

"I'm afraid that's my doing," said a voice that she'd only heard a few times, but would recognize anywhere.

"Cade," she acknowledge, turning to face him. "Well, we're not near a body of water, and I'm not almost-dead... so how are you here?"

Cade smiled. "When the bell rang 11 times, the boundary broke down for a moment. I took the opportunity to step through and take up residence here."

"Right," Riley nodded, seeming entirely disinterested even though she was terrified. "Let me guess, you're here to make sure that Stefan and Damon stick to their end of your deal?"

Cade shrugged. "On the contrary, Evangeline. I've made a new deal... 'upped the stakes' if you will." His smile was menacing. "I'm sending you and Stefan on a mission."

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