Sick 🤢🤕

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Billie pov

I opened the door to me and Y/Ns shared house. She wasn't downstairs so I went upstairs, to see where she was. If she left again without telling me, we were gonna have a talk later. "Babygirl, I'm home" I yelled looking for her. I went into our bedroom to see her cuddled up under the covers all warm and cute.  

I slid into bed next to her and spooned ber, holding her waist tight. "Billie! Ow!" I moved my arm quickly. "Im sorry honey I didn't mean to hurt you! sorry if grabbed you too tight mamas I-

"No" she cut me off, "My tummy hurts really bad and I feel like I'm gonna explode". She turned and buried her head into my chest. "I'm sorry babygirl. I'll take care of you". I said as I gently moved her and went to make her some canned soup and poured her some water. I grabbed some tums and a heating pad and went upstairs.

"You awake honey?" She nodded. I set the stuff down on the end table and put my arms under her propping her up. She looked at me. "Baby, eat this and take some of these. I'll put the hot pad on you. Okay?" "Ok baby." She said with a sad face looking like she was gonna cry. I slipped the hot pad under her tank top and sat up next to her in bed. "Baby, you need to eat all of that. You didn't eat much yesterday. After you eat if you want I'll fuck you." I smirked and kissed her forehead.

"Nice try" she said smiling. A few minutes after she finished her soup she started to cry into my chest. "Bunny, please don't cry mamas." I kissed her all over her face. "Does it really hurt that much??" I said worried. She was making me tear up a bit. She nodded and kept sobbing. Eventually she fell asleep in my arms. "Have a good sleep Y/N. I turned out the light and held her all night.

I woke up around 8 am. She was laying there peacefully. "Babygirl?" I shook her. She whimpered, "what?" She said looking up at me. Is my little babygirl feeling any better?" I asked as I stroked her hair and kissed her head. "No." She said flatly. "Ok mamas, go back to sleep." She cuddled up to me. "I love you" I said. "I love you too" She said. We drifted back off into sleep.

                    Part #1 preference

How you and billie cuddle

Let's just say she's kind of the dominant one in the relationship. You usually lay your head on her chest with your legs wrapped around her while holding her waist. She kisses you and whispers in you ear, sometimes she hold your butt. If you move too much she hold onto you tighter. Sometimes when she's had a bad day she wants to lay on your chest.

Billie Eilish Imagines (PLEASE MAKE REQUESTS. I WRITE ALL REQUESTS GIVEN)Where stories live. Discover now