Mean bil 😡

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It was the day after she and Finneas was interviewed on the No Jumper Podcast. Her arms were wrapped around me. We were in her bed under the covers just relaxing. I reached for my phone. It was 10 AM. "Baby, get up" I gently shook her awake. "I wanna sleep. Leave me alone" she scoffed. "Get up, now." I said. She needed to do a lot today and I felt bad for making her get up as I knew she was tired.

Unexpectedly, she rolled on top of me holding me down. "Billie, come on" I laughed. She grabbed my chin and looked me in the eyes with a death stare. She was intimidating. "No. You're gonna go do my laundry, email my manager and clean my room." I was surprised. "I'm fucking tired. I love you but you're gonna do this before me because I told you to." I nodded.

"Okay baby. You want anything?" I said. I guess I can do her chores today. She kissed me

"grab me some breakfast mamas."
"Alright baby."

Throughout the day I did all her stuff for her. I went back upstairs to our room. "Bil?" I said. "Yes babygirl?" She said in a singy songy voice. I crawled into bed. "I did all your stuff." She kissed my forehead. "Thanks baby, I needed a break." I nodded. "But I need you to run to the store and grab me some stuff, okay?" I nodded "okay." "You can take my car, I'll text you what I want."

I left the room and went to the driveway on the way to the local store. She texted me.

Billie baby ❤️🖤

I need avocados, bananas, some chickpeas and Finneas needs Tylenol , can u do that baby?


Yea, I'll be home soon beautiful ❤️

I eventually made it home. I put away her groceries and gave Fin his Tylenol.

"Babyyyyyy" I heard bil yell I ran upstairs. "I got your stuff cutie" I smiled. She pulled me into bed. "I'm sorry for making you run my errands, I just needed a break. I love you." She said. "You didn't do anything wrong." I smiled. She pulled me close to her and gripped my butt. I tried wiggling away but she held me tighter. "I have to go to the bathroom" I whined. "I don't care." She said smiling. I kept trying to wiggle away but gave up. She's way stronger than I am.

I fell asleep and woke up late at night to see Billie on her laptop. "Babe...?" I said as she looked at me. "What?"

"Why are you awake at 2 in the morning?"

"Because I want to be, just go back to sleep babygirl." I nodded not wanting to argue with her and make her grumpy. I fell back asleep.

Billie POV

The twins, Danielle and Diego invited me to chill. I didn't feel like saying no but I knew Y/N wouldn't let me go out. She hates when I do this but...

I wrapped her up in her blankie. I picked her up at carried her downstairs not wanting to wake her or anyone else up. She stirred a little but I just shushed her. I set her in the passenger seat of her pink G-Wagon and kissed her. (her car is bigger than mine) I gently shut the door and got in. I reclined her seat so she could relax and started driving. She's gonna be so confused even she gets up, poor baby. When I got to Diego's place I texted him.


I'm here we have to be quiet I have Y/N with me and she's asleep.


Ok b out inna min

He went out and they all got in. "Where to?" I laughed. "The bowling alley by the smash burger and the weed dispensary" Dani said. I decided now was a good of time as any to wake her up.

"Baby, get up" I shook her. She whined, "w-what??" She was confused "heyyy Y/N" Diego said. "Baby, we're gonna go bowling" I laughed. I haven't hung out with these guys in 2 months and I wasn't about to miss my chance, even though I knew babygirl would be upset because I have meetings tomorrow. "I- okay..." she murmured. I leaned over and kissed her. I pushed her hair back and covered her back up in her blanket.

As we parked at the bowling alley, Y/N grabbed my arm. "I need to talk to you" She said. I motioned for everyone to go in to the bowling alley. "What baby?" I smiled.

"I didn't ask to come here with you. You have meetings all day tomorrow and it's 3 AM. What the fuck are you doing?" She said strictly. "Honey I'm sorry I just missed our friends... please baby just have a good time or otherwise just sit in the car." She got up.

"So after I do all your shit for you all day you want me to just sit in here and wait for you to finish fucking bowling??" She said. I thought she was mad.

"N- no I-" she started laughing. "Come on baby, lets go bowling." I smiled. She kissed me and we got out. We bowled for four hours but I mostly just had her sat on my lap kissing her. She fell asleep with her head in the crook of my neck, and I knew I'd have to carry her to the car and all the way back upstairs but I was fine with it. I love my babygirl more than anything.

Part #3 preference

What she does when you're angry

She Calms you down. She helps you find what or who you're angry about and she helps you to come to terms with it. She hugs you and squeezes you until you're not upset anymore.

Billie Eilish Imagines (PLEASE MAKE REQUESTS. I WRITE ALL REQUESTS GIVEN)Where stories live. Discover now