Bridge 🍃

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I walked into the kitchen to see Billie. I smiled and sat on her lap. She was groggy and smelled sweaty, she yawned. "Mmm, Baby..." She said in her morning voice kissing me. "Gross breath but I still love to kiss you." I replied attaching my lips to hers. "Breakfast." Finneas said putting down our plates. He put my and billies right next to each other because he knows I always sit on her lap. I bit into my vegan breakfast burrito and chewed, looking at my phone. "Wanna go hiking?" Billie asked me and Finn. "Yeah!" Is said excitedly. "Woah, calm down babygirl." She smiled. Looked at Finneas. "You down?" I asked. "Yea, but we have to be back by 5." He said taking another bite. "Okay. Wanna leave at 10?" Billie asked as she gripped my waist. "Sure." He said with a mouthful of food. "Can we bring Noah??" I asked. "Yea, and we'll get you a new puppy while we're at it. No, Y/N." She said tantalizingly. "Don't joke about puppies, you know how bad I want one." I smiled kissing her cheek.

We started our hike. I held Billie's hand, because I don't want her getting lost, like she tends to do more often than most people. "Yo lets go to the bridge first." She said walking us forward. We walked past the brush, the leaves grazing our skin. "I love you." I said rubbing my nose on hers as we stopped for Finneas to tie his shoes. "Love you too." She smiled and pulled me into a hug. I felt my stomach clench as she squeezed me. "B-bil!" I yelled. She laughed, "Sorry babydoll, I just wanna squeeze you." I smiled. We kept on walking. The bridge is her favorite part. "Baby, that thing is definitely not stable..." I said looking at her. "Pfft." She scoffed as she took off running, letting go of my hand. She ran across the bridge. "Billie!" I yelled laughing and running past Finneas, feeling the bridge shake under my feet. I ran into billies arms.

Sorry for lack of updates, I've been dealing with a lot of stuff including my best friend getting hit by a train. She's okay but it's been hard. Thanks for understanding. I love you. ❤️

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