Sorry baby 😖

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Requested by makemebilliesgirl


I finished washing my hands as I left the bathroom. I just finished my appointment with the photographer for my upcoming album cover. Billie was gone, as she didn't want me to go to this appointment because she wanted me to stay home and help her write a couple songs, but if I missed this appointment I would have to wait another two months to meet with him again. I'm sure she was upset, but I needed to do this. She'll understand though.

An hour later bil got home. I shot up from the couch and ran to her kissing her. "Hi baby, I'm sorr-" She cut me off by pushing my away from her making me hit my ankle against the end table.

Billies POV

She whimpered as she smashed her ankle against the end table. I walked away feeling enraged but slightly bad for hurting her ankle. "O-ow! Baby why did you do that?" She said her voice cracking. "Because you don't even care about me or my schedule. I wanted you to help me today." I said as I sat down. "I'm sorry baby... I was gonna come back and help you after. Please don't be mad." She said sitting next to me again.

"Don't fucking talk to me." I said walking into the kitchen. "I'm not going to stop talking to you." She said firmly reaching out to grab me. I grabbed her arm and pushed it away. "You know what? I was being nice but now you can just fucking leave." I was so close to losing my temper. I grabbed her arm tight and pulled her into the living room towards the door. She was starting to cry. "B-baby I live here! What are you doing?? Stop!" She said worried.

I had a whole day planned out for us. My album was supposed to be done the next day because my label and management are assholes. I was so fucking angry at everything. I knew if I didn't get Y/N out of the house I was gonna blow up. I grabbed her phone and shoved it into her pocket. It was storming and pretty chilly out. I opened the door, and shoved her out. "Baby no! Please-" I shut the door.


I was shocked. She's never been like this. We both live here. What gives her the right to do that? Just a few days ago she gave me a giant speech about how this house was both of ours and I was to never feel like it wasn't my home. I sobbed against the door. I love Billie and I know she wants me to go somewhere but I wanted to stay here with her because I love her. I was freezing though. I grabbed my phone out and called Diego (AKA Lil Xan) and he picked me up.

As we got into his apartment I cried into his arms. "I'm scared. Billie has never done this. She has never been angry at me like this. This isn't Billie." I said looking up at him. "I know. Something is wrong. She loves you so much. But for now I'm gonna take care of your ankle and get you to sleep." Diego said wrapping an arm around me. "Okay."

Billies POV

I woke up hours later. I shot up out of bed. Did i really fucking do that?? I ran downstairs and opened the door seeing if she was still there. Of course she wasn't, it was so cold and I didn't give her a blanket or a sweater. I was in a blind rage. I was seeing in tunnel vision and I couldn't comprehend my own anger. I started bawling running to the couch taking out my phone. I texted my baby.

(Mami- the name you have in your phone for Billie

Babygirl- the name Billie had in her phone for you)

Mami 💜

Baby call me or answer the phone please I love you I'm sorry baby please I need to make this better oh my god please just answer



I called her sobbing. She picked up immediately. "I love you." I started. "I love you too but I'm not going to talk to you for awhile. You really messed up baby. Please text me and tell me how you're doing but I won't respond. Bye." She said hanging up. My heart dropped.

Three days later I kept on texting her. I love her. So much. It was the day of our joint concert, and my management let me know she was still coming.

I met her backstage at the venue. She tried walking away but I grabbed her forcing her into a hug as she tried getting away. "Stop baby." She said. "No." I simply said as she cried into my neck.

We went on stage pretending everything was okay. I said into the microphone, "first I'm singing." Y/N looked at me confused. "A song for my beautiful babygirl. I grabbed my ukulele and started strumming to "Can't help falling in love". I sung handing the uke to Finn as I grabbed her hand. I sang the song looking into her beautiful eyes as she cried smiling.

I finished and hugged her tight. Fans were screaming maniacally as I said to her, "forgive me baby. I love you." I kissed her wrapping her in my arms. "I love you too." She said barely audible. We finished the concert.

We went back home together. We crawled into bed. "Baby, I missed you." She said as she wrapped her arms around my waist nuzzling into my chest and kissing my collar bone. "I missed you too beautiful. I'll never hurt you again. You are my everything. This house is yours and I'm sorry for kicking you out. This is our home." I said kissing her forehead and stroking her pretty hair.

We Laid down and cuddled. We stayed in bed for days and just loved each other. Days later, I bought a little box. A little box with an engagement ring, that ended up on her finger that same day.

Billie Eilish Imagines (PLEASE MAKE REQUESTS. I WRITE ALL REQUESTS GIVEN)Where stories live. Discover now