Family fighting 😞 PART ONE of TWO

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Billie came in heated after her meeting. Finn was behind her. "I don't want to go to fucking Canada!" She screamed. She just got new concert dates. "Billie stop being such a fucking bitch!" Finn yelled. "Finneas!" Maggie said shocked. I looked from atop the stairs. Billie was tearing up. "F-fine have it your way. It's not like you care about me anyways." She said starting to sob running upstairs. "Billie I'm sorry, wait!" He yelled. How dare he call my girlfriend a bitch. I was about to scream at him but I grabbed Billie instead guiding her to our room.

"Shhhh, it's okay mamas." I said kissing her on the head. "I told them so many fucking times one weeks notice is not enough. I had so much shot planned for next week. Nobody listens to me." She said as I covered her up with her favorite blanket and pulled her into my arms. Billie has been going off on everyone around her but me and a couple other people. She been losing control of her anger and screaming at people and just being frustrated.

"I listen." I said kissing her again. "I know." She said sniffing. A knock came at the door. "You're gonna come apologize to your brother now!" Maggie yelled angry. "Leave me alone!" Billie said crying. "Billie honey, are you okay?? Open this door please!" Maggie said. "Please just let me calm down." Bil said to mag. "Okay..." mag said walking away from the door.  "I hate making my mom worry..."
"She loves you." I said laying down with bil lying her head on my chest.

The next day we woke up. Everything was alright. I decided to get up and make Billie some breakfast. After we all ate I smirked. I had a surprise for Billie. "Bil." I said trying to get her attention as she was joking around with Finneas. "BIL." I said louder.   "What?!?" She said impatiently. "Baby I have some-"

She all of a sudden got up and walked to the den slamming the door. I looked at Finn questioningly. "She's... she thinks you're driving us... Billie and I... apart..."  why would she think that????? I never have done anything to do that. "B-but..." I said confused. "I'm inclined to agree." He said rolling his eyes walking off.

I ran to the door opening it. "Oh, here to ruin my relationship with my family more?" She said rolling her eyes. "Billie I don't understand." I said kissing her. "Shut the fuck up." She spat. She brought out her phone and opened instagram. She opened Complex's story. A pic of Billie and Finn singing came up with a caption. "Billie Eilish and Finneas O'Connell no longer a duo?" The next part said;  "The pair have been arguing as of late according to Y/N Y/L/N."

"N-not... no." I said confused. I never said anything like that. I never said anything like that. I never told anyone that they've been upset. And they're not "no longer a duo". "Baby. You have to believe me. I NEVER said this. Please. Believe me." I said looking her dead in the eye.

She furrowed her perfect eyebrows. "What?" "What do you mean??" She said sitting up. "I mean I never said that." I said holding her hand. She grabbed my jaw forcing me to look at her. "If you're fucking lying to me, I swear to fucking god you'll regret it." I nodded as she pulled me into a hug. "Come on babygirl. I believe you. Let's go upstairs and talk to Finneas." She smiled at me kissing my forehead. I started to cry. She tensed, kissing me again and wrapping her arms around me, holding me. "Shhh, baby it's okay I believe you!" She said.

"I just... I can't believe you would even think I would do that to you." She kissed me again. "Forgive me, please." She begged. "Okay... I love you Bil." I said kissing her. "I love you too."

She wrapped her blankie around me and carried me upstairs.

After everything was explained, I fell asleep and sure enough when I awoke I heard yelling. "No!" Billie yelled. I scrambled out of bed and put into the hallway. "You're gonna go!" Finn said. "No, fuck You! You're so selfish!" Billie screamed. "Billie, you're doing the show and that's final!" Maggie said. "No, I'm not. I don't give a fuck if I get in trouble. All you do is micromanage me. Am I just a cash cow to you??" She yelled crying. "Honey no!" Maggie said putting a hand in Bill's shoulder. "Don't cry sweet heart." Maggie said giving bil a tissue.

"Fuck this, I'm leaving!" Billie said coming into our room. She slammed the door grabbing her backpack. "It's 1 AM!! Billie Eilish Pirate Baird O'Connell you are NOT leaving!" Her dad yelled. "Billie babygirl-"  I said as she cut me off with a kiss.

Her and I left. Billie needs a breather. We left for hours and came back home, opening the door. Maggie immediately surged toward Billie hugging her. "Honey, I'm so sorry." Billie wrapped her arms around Maggie. "Don't cry." Billie said. Maggie kept crying. "When we started your career, I promised myself I wouldn't force you to perform or work beyond what you were comfortable with. I broke that promise by far, many times. I'm a horrible parent." Maggie sobbed.

"No! You're not." Billie said hugging her tighter.

Hours later me and Billie were cuddling. "Baby, I know stuff with your family is hard right now but they love you so much." I looked up at her. "Thanks, babygirl." She said kissing me.

☸️☸️💟💟!!PART TWO COMING IN A FEW HOURS!!☸️☸️💟💟💙💙 you'll find out who lied about you saying Billie and Finn weren't performing together anymore, and you'll find out what surprise you got her.

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