Mine 🦋

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Requested by Serenata003


"Mmm." Taylor said licking his lips. He was hitting on me- and he was the farthest from attractive. "Go away." I rolled m eyes. "I don't think so baby." He smiled and grabbed my butt. "Stop!" I yelled pushing him. "Bitch!" He yelled as he walked away. About 30 minutes later, Jonah comes over to me. We talked for about fifteen minutes. "So, you're with Billie Eilish?" He asks. "Yea, shes the light of my life." I smiled. He shook his head, "I happen to know you just want cock. Come here." He tried touching me- I walked away quickly. Then I saw Billie, looking at me angrily. I walked up to her wanting comfort, at least four guys have hit on me here. This is a party her manager told her to come to. "Bil-" I said as she cut me off. "Why were you talking to Jonah?? He's fucking obsessed with you and posts on his Instagram all the time about how much he wants to fuck you." She said angrily. I looked down. Billie gets mean when she's jealous. She always yells at me and says stuff she doesn't mean. "I didn't know. Please don't get jealous." I said looking at her. She huffed and pulled me into a hug. "Let's go home." She said kissing my head.

I kissed her chest as I felt her grip my waist and force my head up, as I felt her lips smash against mine. I kissed back. She hungrily put her hands all over me- my butt, thighs and waist. Once we pulled away, I saw that Jonah was standing there. She gave him a death stare. It's so hot when she gets possessive. It makes me feel loved. I smiled and kissed her. "Mine." She said smacking my butt. I whimpered and nuzzled my head into her neck.

When we got home I went into the bathroom. She followed me. I sat down to pee and she just stood in the mirror, popping a pimple. After I was done I went downstairs to get food- she followed again and couldn't keep her hands off of me. She was sucking my neck from behind and gripping my waist when Finneas piped up, "tone it down bil." He said rolling his eyes. Every time I tried pulling away from her, she would roughly pull me back into her embrace. We went upstairs for bed. "Baby? I need to-" she cut me off by pushing me onto the bed, and attacking me with kisses. "I'm fucking you right now." She said dominantly as she ripped my clothes off.

After we both orgasmed, we layed down. "Billie, you have such a hot orgasm face..." I smiled and kissed her neck. "I love watching you cum- the way you moan makes me so fucking wet, and makes me want to fuck you even more." She said hungrily. She got on top of me again.

After we both fucked at least 3 times, we laid down and cuddled to sleep. "I love you Billie." I smiled. "I love you too. More than anything. You're mine forever. Don't ever forget that. You're. Mine."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2018 ⏰

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